MPA Outreach Materials

As the lead managing agency for California's Marine Protected Area Network, CDFW's outreach goals are to increase MPA awareness and understanding, facilitate MPA regulatory compliance, support enforcement, and encourage informed enjoyment and stewardship of MPAs. The following selection of MPA outreach materials was created with these goals in mind.

By Category

MPA Videos

The California MPA Network: Safeguarding an Underwater Wilderness (YouTube).

California's marine protected areas (MPAs) are home to a breathtaking diversity of ocean and estuarine habitats and species. Learn how MPAs work, about the resources they protect, and about the people on the front lines involved in making them a success.

click/tap to watch 'California's MPAs: The Importance of Enforcement and Compliance' in new tab
California's MPAs: The Importance of Enforcement and Compliance (YouTube).

An overview of California's Network of MPAs and enforcement efforts for judges, district attorneys, and enforcement officers. Created by the Resources Legacy Fund and the MPA Collaborative Network in partnership with CDFW, through funding provided by the Ocean Protection Council.

Individual Marine Protected Area Videos

Northern California
Central California
Southern California

MPA Posters

MPA Habitats and Species Poster

This interpretive poster contains a vibrant illustration showcasing some of the many habitats and species likely to benefit from MPA protections in California. The back side of the poster includes a key to help identify marine and estuarine species and information about California’s MPA Network.

Organizations that serve the public may order free hard copies of the poster by contacting CDFW Marine Region at Note that quantities may be limited.

MPA Habitats Species Poster thumbnail - link opens PDF in new tab

MPA Network Poster

This interpretive poster provides an introduction to the California MPA Network. It features satellite imagery as well as photographs and descriptions of marine habitat protected within MPAs.

Organizations that serve the public may order free hard copies of the poster by contacting CDFW Marine Region at Note that quantities may be limited.

California MPA Network Poster - link opens PDF in new tab

MPA Brochures

MPA Network Interpretive Brochure

brochure cover - link opens PDF in new tab

This brochure provides information about the statewide MPA Network, MPAs around the world, the science behind MPAs, and how the California Department of Fish and Wildlife is managing the MPA Network for the future. The inside of this brochure contains a vibrant illustration featuring some of the many habitats and species likely to benefit from MPAs in California.

Organizations that serve the public may order free hard copies of the brochure by contacting CDFW Marine Region at Note that quantities may be limited.

Northern California Marine Protected Areas

brochure cover - link opens PDF in new tab

California/Oregon Border to Alder Creek near Point Arena (Mendocino County)
Established December 19, 2012

North Central California Marine Protected Areas

brochure cover - link opens PDF in new tab

Alder Creek near Point Arena (Mendocino County) to Pigeon Point (San Mateo County)
Established May 1, 2010

Central California Marine Protected Areas

brochure cover - link opens PDF in new tab

Pigeon Point (San Mateo County) to Point Conception (Santa Barbara County)
Established September 21, 2007

Southern California Marine Protected Areas

brochure cover - link opens PDF in new tab

Point Conception (Santa Barbara County) to the California/Mexico Border
Established January 1, 2012

Regional MPA Maps

Sample of a MPA map
  • Northern California MPAs (all): JPG | PDF
    California/Oregon Border to Alder Creek near Point Arena (Mendocino County)
  • North Central California MPAs (all): JPG | PDF
    Alder Creek near Point Arena (Mendocino County) to Pigeon Point (San Mateo County)
  • San Francisco Bay MPAs (all): JPG | PDF
    Established prior to 2007 within San Francisco Bay
  • Central California MPAs (all): JPG | PDF
    Pigeon Point (San Mateo County) to Point Conception (Santa Barbara County)
  • Southern California MPAs (all): JPG | PDF
    Point Conception (Santa Barbara County) to the California-Mexico Border

For maps of individual California MPAs, use the interactive map on the California MPAs page to locate and click on the MPA you are interested in. Then click on "Learn more about this MPA" to open a web page where individual MPA maps can be found in the "Printable Downloads" tab.

Also, view the interactive maps on MarineBIOS and MPA Mobile.

MPA Overview Flyers

sample of MPA overview

Need a MPA map and the regulations to go with it? Or, are you simply curious about what an MPA’s goals are, how much area an MPA covers, or what kinds of habitat can be found in a certain MPA? CDFW’s MPA Overview Flyers provide the graphics and technical data to answer these questions and more.

Select the MPA you're interested in from the list below to view that MPA's overview flyer. MPAs are listed by location from north to south.

Northern California MPAs

North Central California MPAs

San Francisco Bay MPAs

Overview sheets for the San Francisco Bay MPAs are not available at this time.

Central California MPAs

Southern California MPAs (Mainland)

Southern California MPAs (Islands)

MPAs by County

Alameda County

Del Norte County

Humboldt County

Los Angeles County

Marin County

Mendocino County

Monterey County

Napa County

Orange County

San Diego County

San Francisco County

San Luis Obispo County

San Mateo County

Santa Barbara County

Santa Cruz County

Solano County

Sonoma County

Ventura County

Marine Region (Region 7)
Regional Manager: Dr. Craig Shuman
Main Office: 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100, Monterey, CA  93940
Email CDFW's Marine Region  |  (831) 649-2870
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