Anchovy, Northern |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§27.60(b) |
Barracuda, California |
Year Round |
28 in. total length, 17 in. alternate length |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§27.60(a), 28.25 |
Bass - Kelp, Barred Sand, Spotted Sand |
Year Round |
14 in. total length, 10 in. alternate length |
5 fish, all species combined |
§28.30 |
Bass, Striped |
Year Round |
North of Pt. Conception: 18 inches total length;
South of Pt. Conception: none |
2 fish |
§27.85 |
Bonito, Pacific |
Year Round |
24 in. fork length OR 5 pounds except that: Five fish less than 24 in. fork length or weighing less than five pounds may be taken or possessed |
10 fish |
§28.32 |
Butterfish, Pacific (Pompano) |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§27.60(b) |
Cabezon |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
Cod, Pacific |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Dolphinfish (Dorado) |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§27.60(a) |
Corbina, California |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§27.60(a) |
Finescale Codling |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Flounder, Arrowtooth |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Flounder, Starry |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Garibaldi |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Greenling, Rock and Kelp |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
Grenadiers |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Grouper, gulf and broomtail |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Grunion, California |
July 1 through March 31 |
None |
30 |
§28.00 |
Halibut, California |
Year Round |
22 in. total length |
North of Pt. Sur, Monterey County: 2 fish.
South of Pt. Sur, Monterey County: 5 fish |
§28.15 |
Halibut, Pacific |
See conservation/marine/ pacific-halibut |
None |
1 fish |
§28.20 |
Herring, Pacific |
Year Round |
None |
10 gallons |
§28.62 |
Herring, Pacific (eggs) |
Year Round |
None |
25 pounds wet weigh, including plants |
§28.60 |
Herring, Round |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§27.60(b) |
Jacksmelt |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§27.60(b) |
Lingcod |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
Mackerel (Pacific Chub and Jack) |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§27.60(b) |
Marlin, (Black, Blue, and Striped) |
Year Round |
None |
1 fish |
§28.50 |
Mudsucker, Longjaw |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§27.60(a) |
Perch, Shiner |
Year Round |
None |
20 fish, in addition to the 20 fish general daily bag limit |
§28.59 |
Prickleback, Monkeyface |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§27.60(a) |
Queenfish |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§27.60(b) |
Ratfish |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Rockfish |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
See Recreational Groundfish Regulations Summary Tables |
Sablefish (Black Cod) |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Salmon, Coho (Silver) |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Salmon (Chinook, Pink, Chum, and Sockeye) |
Check §27.80(c) and (d) |
Check §27.80(c) and (d) |
Check §27.80(c) and (d) |
§27.80 |
Sanddab, Pacific |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§§1.91(a), 28.48, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Sardine, Pacific |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§27.60(b) |
Scorpionfish, California (Sculpin) |
Year Round |
None |
5 fish |
§§1.91(a), 28.54, 27.65(b), 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Sea Bass, Giant (Black) |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
§28.10 |
Seabass, White |
Year Round |
28 in. total length, 21½ in. alternate length |
3 fish, except that only 1 fish may be taken in waters south of Pt. Conception between March 15 and June 15 |
§28.35 |
Shark, Leopard |
Year Round |
36 in. total length |
3 fish |
§§1.91(a), 28.56, 27.65(b), 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Shark (Mako, Thresher, and Blue) |
Year Round |
None |
2 of each species |
§28.42 |
Shark, Sixgill and Sevengill |
Year Round |
None |
1 of each species |
§28.41 |
Shark, Soupfin |
Year Round |
None |
1 fish |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Shark, White |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
§§28.06, 5517 |
Sheephead, California |
Boat-based anglers: March 1 through December 31;
Recreational divers and shore-based anglers: Year Round |
12 in. total length |
2 fish |
§§28.26, 27.65(b), 27.50 |
Skates (Big, California, and Longnose) |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Smelt, True (Night Smelt, Surf Smelt, and Whitebait) |
Year Round |
None |
25 pounds in combination |
§28.45 |
Sole (Dover, English) |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Sole, Petrale |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§§1.91(a), 28.47, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Sole (Rock, Sand, Butter, Curlfin, Rex, Flathead) |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.48, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Spiny Dogfish |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Sturgeon, Green |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Take or possession is prohibited |
Sturgeon, White
October 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 except as described in Section 27.95 |
Any sturgeon greater than 60 inches fork length may not be removed from the water and shall be released immediately. See §27.93 for further restrictions |
Zero. Catch-and-release only |
§27.93 |
Surfperch, Redtail |
Year round, except surfperch may not be taken or possessed in San Francisco and San Pablo bays between April 1 and July 31, inclusive |
10½ in. total length |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general daily bag limit EXCEPT in San Francisco and San Pablo bays: 5 surfperch all species combined (not including shiner surfperch) |
§28.59 |
Surfperch, Other |
Year round, except surfperch may not be taken or possessed in San Francisco and San Pablo bays between April 1 and July 31, inclusive |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general daily bag limit EXCEPT in San Francisco and San Pablo bays: 5 surfperch all species combined (not including shiner surfperch) |
§28.59 |
Swordfish, Broadbill |
Year Round |
None |
2 fish |
§28.40 |
Thornyheads (Shortspine and Longspine) |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Topsmelt |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§27.60(b) |
Tuna, Albacore |
Year Round |
None |
South of Pt. Conception, Santa Barbara County: 10 fish.
North of Pt. Conception, Santa Barbara County: 25 fish. Limits may be taken/ possessed in addition to the 20 fish general daily bag limit. |
§28.38(a) |
Tuna, Bluefin |
Year Round |
None |
2 fish, which may be taken or possessed in addition to the 20 fish general daily bag limit |
§28.38(b) |
Tuna, Skipjack |
Year Round |
None |
None |
§§27.60(b), 28.38(c) |
Tuna, Other (including Bigeye and Yellowfin) |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish |
§§27.60(a), 28.38(d) |
Whitefish, Ocean |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§28.58, 27.60(a) |
Whiting, Pacific |
Year Round |
None |
10 fish as part of 20 fish general bag limit |
§§1.91(a), 28.49, 27.50, 27.20(b)(2), (e), and (f) |
Yellowtail |
Year Round |
24 in. fork length |
10 fish at least 24 in. fork length, except 5 fish may be less than 24 in. fork length |
§28.37 |