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What do I legally need on hand if fishing from a public pier?

public pier, fishing license, report card, validations, second rod, free fishing, CCR T14, sections 28.65, 1.88

When fishing from a "public pier" in ocean or bay waters, a fishing license is not required. You are allowed to fish only two rods and lines, handlines, or nets, traps, or other appliances used to take crabs per person on a public pier (CCR Title 14, Section 28.65(b)).

  • Second rod validation: not required when fishing in ocean waters (the second rod validation is only required when fishing in select inland waters).
  • Ocean enhancement validation: If fishing south of Point Arguello (Santa Barbara county) you are not required to have an ocean enhancement stamp to fish from a public pier.
  • Report cards and validations: You are required to have relevant report cards and crab trap validations

Keep in mind that even though a fishing license is not required on a public pier, all other regulations (including minimum size, bag limits, report cards, and seasons) apply while fishing from a public pier.

Public piers have a specific definition in CCR T14, Section 1.88.

Public piers must be connected to the shoreline, allow for free, unrestricted public access, and have been built or currently function for the primary purpose of fishing. Publicly owned jetties and breakwaters may also be "public piers" but, in addition, must form the most seaward protective boundary of an ocean harbor. Jetties and other structures that are not the most seaward boundary are not public piers.

For more information regarding public piers and where to find them, please check out our Free Fishing Piers, Jetties, and Breakwaters page.

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Updated on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 by

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