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What are the seasons, size limits, and bag and possession limits for the INVERTEBRATE species I am taking or want to keep?

clams, clam, mussels, scallops, squid, octopus, oysters, limpets, snails, abalone, mollusk, urchin, sea urchins, san dollar, whelk, worms, lobster, bugs, crab, dungeness, cancer, rock crab, shrimp, prawn, season, size, take, bag, catch, keep, regulations

This summary reference table lists seasons, size limits, and bag and possession limits for commonly caught ocean invertebrates, such as crabs, lobster, shrimp, and clams. Fishing gear restrictions, legal methods of take and other important regulations as defined in California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 14 (T14) are provided in sections of the Ocean Sport Fishing Guide (PDF). Species in bold red font may not be taken at any time.

Except for species listed in this table, tidal invertebrates may not be taken in any tidepool or other areas between the high tide mark (defined as Mean Higher High Tide) and 1,000 ft. seawards and lateral to the low tide mark (defined as Mean Lower Low Water). [T14 CCR §29.05(b)(1)]. 

Regulations Summary Table for Ocean Invertebrates
Species Season Size Limit Bag and Possession Limit T14 CCR Regulation References
Clams - Gaper (Horse Clams, Horseneck Clams) and Washington Year Round; one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset None Statewide excluding Humboldt Bay and Elkhorn Slough: 10 clams of each species;
Humboldt Bay: 50 clams in combination, including no more than 25 gaper clams;
Elkhorn Slough: 12 clams in combination
§§29.25, 29.20(b)
Clam, Geoduck Year Round; one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset None 3 clams §§29.30, 29.20(b)
Clams - Littleneck, Soft-Shelled, Chiones, Northern Quahogs, and Cockles Year Round; one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset 1½ in. greatest shell diameter, except no size limit for softshelled clams, all softshelled clams dug must be retained until bag limit is reached 50 clams in combination §§29.35(a), 29.05(c), 29.10(b), 29.20(d), 29.35(b), 29.20(b)
Clam, Pismo Santa Cruz and Monterey counties from September 1 through April 30;
All other counties open year-round, one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset
From Monterey County north: 5 in.;
From San Luis Obispo County south: 4½ in. greatest shell diameter
10 clams §§29.40, 29.05, 29.10, 29.20
Clam, Pacific Razor See §29.45 Open one-half hour before sunrise to onehalf hour after sunset None 20 clams §§29.45, 29.20
Clams, Other Year round; one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset None None §§29.05, 29.10, 29.20
Mussels, All Year Round; annual quarantine issued by CDPH. CDPH Biotoxin Information Line: 1-800- 553-4133 None Ten pounds in the shell in combination §§29.05, 29.55
Scallop, Rock Year Round None 10 scallops §29.60(a)
Scallop, Speckled (Bay) Take or possession is prohibited Take or possession is prohibited Take or possession is prohibited Take or possession is prohibited
Squid, Market and Jumbo Year Round None None §29.70
Octopus, All Year Round None 35 octopus §29.05
Oysters, All Year Round None 35 oysters §29.05
Limpets, All Year Round None 35 limpets §29.05
Snail, Turban Year Round None 35 snails §29.05
Snail, Moon Year Round, except moon snails may not be taken north of the Golden Gate Bridge None 5 snails §29.71
Abalone, All Take is prohibited; red abalone fishery currently closed Take is prohibited; red abalone fishery currently closed Take is prohibited; red abalone fishery currently closed §29.15
Non-clam Mollusks, Other Year Round None 35 mollusks §29.05
Sea Urchin, Purple Year Round None Statewide: 35 sea urchins with no possession limit, see exceptions under §29.06 §29.06
Sea Urchin, Red Year Round None Statewide: 35 sea urchins §29.05
Sea Urchin, Other Year Round None 35 sea urchins §29.05
Sand Dollar Year Round None 35 sand dollars §29.05
Whelk, Kellet's July 1 through the first Wednesday after the 15th of March None 35 whelks §§29.17, 29.05(a)
Worms, All Year Round None 35 worms §29.05
Lobster, California Spiny From 6:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding the first Wednesday in October through the first Wednesday after Mar. 15 3¼ in. from the rear edge of the eye socket to the rear edge of the body shell 7 lobsters §29.90
Crab, Dungeness See crab regulations. Closed in San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay, and all bays, sloughs, and estuaries between the Golden Gate Bridge and Carquinez Bridge 5¾ in. across measured from edge of shell to edge of shell directly in front of and excluding lateral spines 10 crabs §29.85
Crab, Other Cancer (Rock Crab, Slender Crab, etc.) Year Round 4 in. measured from edge of shell to edge of shell, except no limits in districts 8 and 9 35 crabs §29.85
Crab, Sand Year Round None 50 crabs §§29.05(a), 29.85(e)
Crab, Other Year Round None 35 crabs §29.05
Shrimp, Bay Year Round None 5 pounds §§29.86, 29.05(a) and (b)
Shrimp, Ghost and Blue Mud Year Round None 50 shrimp in combination §§29.87, 29.05(a) and (b)
Shrimp, Coonstripe Year Round None First 20 pounds in shell and with head §§29.88(b), 29.05(a)
Shrimp, Other (includes prawns) Year Round None 35 shrimp §29.05


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