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Where can I use cast nets in California ocean waters?

cast net, throw net, Hawaiian net, CCR T14, Section 28.80

Cast nets, aka Hawaiian type throw nets, can be used north of Point Conception, Santa Barbara County but only for the following species (CCR T14, Section 28.80): herring, Pacific staghorn sculpin, shiner surfperch, surf smelt, topsmelt, anchovies, shrimp and squid. 

Cast nets are NOT allowed south of Point Conception primarily to protect grunion. Grunion are more common south of Point Conception and, importantly, there are indications that the grunion population has decreased in recent years. The indiscriminate nature of throw nets also creates concerns of poaching and/or overfishing of vulnerable or managed species, intentional or not. In addition to grunion, California corbina, juvenile white seabass (and other croakers), California halibut, California spiny lobster, surfperches, and many other species could be caught in throw nets and have been found in illegal throw net catches.

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