daily limits, trip limits, bag limits, possession limits, multi-day trip, gifting fish, giving away fish, CCR T14, Section 27.15
This would NOT be allowed while on a multiday camping trip or when taking freshwater fish. You must either consume what you harvested from your first day and/or physically give (gift) them away to another person who is with you. That person does not need to have a valid fishing license. Depending on how much of your catch you have left after giving away or consuming your first day’s catch, you may be able to keep some of your second day’s catch until you fill the daily bag/possession limit.
If, however, you are on a multi-day ocean fishing trip, and have filed a multi-day declaration request, you may possess up to three daily bag and possession limits of saltwater fin fish, lobster, and rock scallops per CCR T14 Section 27.15. There are very specific provisions for the multi-day declaration, including that the trip must be continuous and extend for a period of 12 hours or more on the first and last days of the trip. No berthing or docking is permitted within five miles of the mainland shore during such a trip. For more information on multi-day declarations, please see our Multi-Day permit webpage.