Can't find your answer? Email AskMarine. FAQ Home What would you like to Ask Marine? Home / Recreational Fishing / General Recreational Fishing Q&As Recreational Fishing General Recreational Fishing Q&As General Recreational Fishing Q&As General questions and answers for ocean recreational fisheries In this section What are the seasons, size limits, and bag and possession limits for the FISH species I am taking or want to keep? What are the seasons, size limits, and bag and possession limits for the INVERTEBRATE species I am taking or want to keep? I caught a bunch of fish but don't see them listed under the regulations. Are they off limits? Do I have to release them all? Where can I look to quickly reference fishing regulations? How can I best identify a fish I just caught? Where can I fish? How can I be certain that I am allowed to fish in a specific area? When do I need a sportfishing license? How do I know when a certain season opens or closes? What piers can I fish off without needing to buy a license? What do I legally need on hand if fishing from a public pier? Can I fish two crab nets and two fishing poles for four gear types total, or only a maximum of two when fishing from a pier? Can I use an Alabama (umbrella) rig on a pier? Can I use a compressed air launcher to launch my line out beyond the surf? What are the recreational tuna fillet-at-sea regulations? What is the sport Pacific bluefin tuna bag limit? Is it legal to use more than one fishing rod when ocean fishing? Can I sell my sport caught fish? Where can I use cast nets in California ocean waters? If I go camping and limit out on the first day and put my catch in a cooler in my car, can I go out on the second day and keep my catch? Is it legal if I limit out on the second day but keep the fish separate from the first day? How can I know if the fish I catch are fish safe to eat throughout the year? How does CDFW develop their fishery population estimates? Do I need a permit to host a fishing tournament in the ocean?