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Is it true that some MPAs allow for fishing? How can I know what I can and can't take within an MPA?

designation, fishing, take, MPA, regulations

In each of California’s marine protected areas there are specific regulations for what can and cannot be taken – this includes species types, gear types, and recreational and/or commercial take allowances. Unless an MPA specifically lists allowed take in its regulations the take is not permitted. For example, if an MPA's regulations says only pelagic finfish can be taken by trolling, this means you can't dive for spiny lobster, or fish with a hook and line from shore. All state marine reserves and no-take state marine conservation areas prohibit any type of recreational or commercial take. However, state marine conservation areas, state marine parks, and state marine recreational management areas allow for certain types of specified take. You can look to our MPA web page to find your local MPAs and learn the regulations before you head out.

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Updated on Wed, 05 Jun 2024 by