No. A regional approach was used to redesign MPAs along California's 1,100-mile coast.
The state was divided into five study regions:
- Central Coast Study Region (Pigeon Point to Point Conception)
- North Central Coast Study Region (Alder Creek near Point Arena to Pigeon Point, including the Farallon Islands)
- South Coast Study Region (Point Conception to the California/Mexico border)
- North Coast Study Region (California/Oregon border to Alder Creek near Point Arena)
- San Francisco Bay Study Region (waters within San Francisco Bay, from the Golden Gate Bridge northeast to Carquinez Bridge)
These five regions were implemented in a step-wise fashion:
- September 2007: Regulations implemented for Central Coast Study Region
- May 2010: Regulations implemented for North Central Coast Study Region
- January 2012: Regulations implemented for South Coast Study Region
- December 2012: Regulations implemented for North Coast Study Region
- The San Francisco Bay Study Region is the fifth and final study region that will be considered under the MLPA