Can't find your answer? Email AskMarine. FAQ Home What would you like to Ask Marine? Home / Marine Protected Areas / General MPA questions Marine Protected Areas General MPA questions General MPA questions Answers to general questions regarding marine protected areas. In this section Can you provide a brief history of the Marine Life Protection Act? How do I know where an MPA is? What is the difference between MLPA, MPA, SMR, and all the other terms used for marine protected areas? What are marine protected areas (MPAs)? Is it legal to travel through or anchor in a marine protected area with catch on board? How do marine protected areas affect existing fisheries management measures and closures? What is the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA)? Did the Marine Life Protection Act affect California all at once? What was the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative and timeline? How were marine protected areas (MPAS) designed? Don’t marine protected areas and other fishing closures violate a Californian’s right to fish, as found in the State Constitution? What can I do in an MPA? Is it true that some MPAs allow for fishing? How can I know what I can and can't take within an MPA? If an area is closed as an MPA, will it always be closed? What is CDFW going to do about the 30x30 initiative? Does CDFW plan on closing 30 percent of state waters in addition to what is already closed to fishing? What is the significance of the different colors on a map that shows California's marine protected areas? What organizations or agencies are involved in the management of marine protected areas?