Fish species information and conservation efforts On this page Species Information Management Reports Species Information Go to the Marine Species Explorer Focus Inland and Anadromous Species Delta Smelt Longfin Smelt Pacific Lamprey Sacramento Perch Salmon Coho Salmon Chinook Salmon Winter-run Chinook Salmon Sturgeon White Sturgeon Green Sturgeon Trout California Golden Trout Coastal Cutthroat Trout Coastal Rainbow Trout/Steelhead Eagle Lake Rainbow Trout Goose Lake Redband Trout Kern River Rainbow Trout Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Little Kern Golden Trout McCloud River Redband Trout Paiute Cutthroat Trout Warner Lakes Redband Trout Status Lists Fish Species of Special Concern Threatened or Endangered Fish Species (PDF)(opens in new tab) Fully Protected Fish Species Management Monitoring Coastal Monitoring Plan for Salmon and Steelhead Central Valley Steelhead Monitoring Fish Rescue and Stressor Monitoring Management Programs Inland and Anadromous Fisheries Management Fish Hatcheries Heritage and Wild Trout Program Marine Life Management Native Fishes Program Laboratories Marine Invertebrate Survey and Assessment Project Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory Group Shellfish Health Lab Reports (list not comprehensive) Gallagher, S.P. and D.W. Wright. How do we know how many salmon returned to spawn? Implementing the California coastal salmonid monitoring plan in Mendocino County, California (PDF). Proceedings of coast redwood forests in a changing California: A symposium for scientists and managers. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 2012. Gallagher, S.P. and D.W. Wright. Measurement of key life history metrics of coho salmon in Pudding Creek, California (PDF). Proceedings of coast redwood forests in a changing California: A symposium for scientists and managers. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 2012. Kormos, B., Palmer-Zwahlen, M. and A. Low. Recovery of Coded-Wire Tags from Chinook Salmon in California's Central Valley Escapement and Ocean Harvest in 2010 (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 3/2012. Bergman, J.M., R.M. Nielson and A. Low. Central Valley Chinook Salmon In-River Escapement Monitoring Plan (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 1/30/2012. Gallagher, S. P. and D. W. Wright. Coastal Mendocino County salmonid life cycle and regional monitoring: monitoring status and trends for 2011 (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2012. Sogard, S.M., J.E. Merz, W.H. Satterthwaite, M.P. Beakes, D.R. Swank, E.M. Collins, R.G. Titus and M. Mangel. Contrasts in habitat characteristics and life history patterns of Oncorhynchus mykiss in Californias central coast and Central Valley. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:747760; 2012. Bell, E., S.M. Albers, J.M. Krug and R. Dagit. Juvenile growth in a population of southern California steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (PDF). California Fish and Game 97(1). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. O'Brien, J.W., H.K. Hansen and M.E. Stephens. Status of fishes in the Upper San Gabriel River Basin, Los Angeles County, California (PDF). California Fish and Game 97(4). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. Granfors, Q. and M. Giusti. Largemouth bass population estimates from Diamond Valley Lake, Riverside County, California (PDF). California Fish and Game 97(3). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. Moore, J.D., C. I. Juhasz and T.T. Robbins. A histopathology survey of California oysters (PDF). California Fish and Game 97(2). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. Moore, J.W., Hayes, S.A., Duffy, W., Gallagher, S., Michel, C.J., and Wright, D. Nutrient fluxes and the recent collapse of coastal California salmon populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68:1161-1170; 2011 Swales, S. California Forest Management Practices and the Conservation of Anadromous Salmonids (PDF). Fisheries Branch Administrative Report 2010-03. Fisheries Branch; 11/2010. Eilers, C.D., J. Bergman and R. Nielson. A comprehensive monitoring plan for steelhead in the California Central Valley (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 10/2010. Gallagher, S.P., P.B. Adams, D.W. Wright, and B.W. Collins. Performance of Spawner Survey Techniques at Low Abundances Levels. Nor. Amer. J. Fish. Mngt, 30(5):1086-1097; 2010. Gallagher, S.P., D.W. Wright, B.W. Collins, and P.B. Adams. A regional approach for monitoring salmonid status and trends: results from a pilot study in coastal Mendocino County, California. Nor. Amer. J. Fish. Mngt, 30(5):1075-1085; 2010. Beakes, M.P., W.H. Satterthwaite, E.M. Collins, D.R. Swank, J.E. Merz, R.G. Titus, S.M. Sogard, and M. Mangel. Smolt transformation in two California steelhead populations: effects of temporal variability in growth. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1263-1275; 2010. Satterthwaite, W.H., M.P. Beakes, E.M. Collins, D.R. Swank, J.E. Merz, R.G. Titus, S.M. Sogard, and M. Mangel. Steelhead life history on Californias central coast: insights from a state-dependent model. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:532548; 2009. Satterthwaite, W.H., M.P. Beakes, E.M. Collins, D.R. Swank, J.E. Merz, R.G. Titus, S.M. Sogard and M. Mangel. State-dependent life history models in a changing (and regulated) environment: steelhead in the California Central Valley. Evolutionary Applications 3:221-243; 2009. Gallagher, S.P., P.K. Hahn, and D.H. Johnson. Redd Counts. Pp 197-234. In Johnson, D.H., B.M. Shrier, J.S. O'Neal, J.A. Knutzen, X. Augerot, T.A. O'Neil, T.N. Pearsons, Eds. Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook. Techniques for Assessing Status and Trends in Salmon and Trout Populations. Amer. Fish Soc; 2007. Vincik, R.F., and R.G. Titus. Occurrence of a eulachon Thaleichthys pacificus in the lower Sacramento River, California. California Fish and Game 93:161-165; 2007. Volkoff, M.C. and R.G. Titus. Use of otolith microstructure to discriminate stocks of juvenile Central Valley, California, fall-run Chinook salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:195-210; 2007. Aguilar, A., J.D. Banks, K.F. Levine and R.K. Wayne. Population genetics of northern pike (Esox lucius) introduced into Lake Davis, California. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Volume 62, Number 7; July 2005. Gallagher, S.P. and C.M. Gallagher. Discrimination of Chinook and coho salmon and steelhead redds and evaluation of the use of redd data for estimating escapement in several unregulated streams in northern California. Nor. Amer. J. Fish. Mngt. 25:284-300; 2005. Titus, R.G., M.C. Volkoff, and W.M. Snider. Use of otolith microstructure to estimate growth rates of juvenile Chinook salmon from a Central Valley, California stock. American Fisheries Society Symposium 39:181-202; 2004.