The classification of fully protected was California's initial effort in the 1960s to identify and provide additional protection to those animals that were rare or faced possible extinction. Lists were created for fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Most fully protected species have also been listed as threatened or endangered species under the more recent California Endangered Species Act.
Fully protected species may not be taken or possessed except with authorization from CDFW and only under specific circumstances. CDFW may authorize take of fully protected species for necessary scientific research, including efforts to recovery fully protected or CESA-listed species, relocation of a fully protected bird species for the protection of livestock, or if the fully protected species is listed as a covered species whose conservation and management is provided for in a Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP).
CDFW may authorize take of fully protected species that is incidental to a project only for the five types of projects listed below. If you think CDFW may be able to authorize take of fully protected species for your project or activity, please reach out to your regional CDFW office to discuss your project before applying for take authorization.
- A maintenance, repair, or improvement project to the State Water Project, including existing infrastructure, undertaken by the Department of Water Resources.
- A maintenance, repair, or improvement project to critical regional or local water agency infrastructure.
- A transportation project, including any associated habitat connectivity and wildlife crossing project, undertaken by a state, regional, or local agency, that does not increase highway or street capacity for automobile or truck travel.
- A wind project and any appurtenant infrastructure improvement, and any associated electric transmission project carrying electric power from a facility that is located in the state to a point of junction with any California-based balancing authority.
- A solar photovoltaic project and any appurtenant infrastructure improvement, and any associated electric transmission project carrying electric power from a facility that is located in the state to a point of junction with any California-based balancing authority.
The following species are fully protected. Their common and scientific names listed are from Fish and Game Code Sections 3511, 4700, 5050, and 5515. However, some of these names are no longer consistent with current scientific nomenclature.
Common Name
Scientific Name
Colorado pikeminnow
(formerly Colorado
River squawfish)
Ptychocheilus lucius
Mohave tui chub
(formerly Mohave chub)
Siphateles bicolor mohavenisis
(formerly Gila
Lost River sucker
Deltistes luxatus and Catostomus luxatus
Modoc sucker
Catostomus microps
shortnose sucker
Chasmistes brevirostris
razorback sucker
(formerly humpback sucker)
Xyrauchen texanus
Owens pupfish
(formerly Owens river pupfish)
Cyprinodon radiosus
unarmored threespine stickleback
Gasterosteus aculeatus williamsoni
rough sculpin
Cottus asperrimus
Common Name
Scientific Name
Santa Cruz long-toed salamander
Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum
limestone salamander
Hydromantes brunus
black toad
Bufo boreas exsul
Common Name
Scientific Name
blunt-nosed leopard lizard
Gambelia sila
San Francisco garter snake
Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia
Common Name
Scientific Name
California black rail
Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus
California Ridgway's rail
(formerly California clapper rail) |
Rallus longirostris obsoletus
California condor
Gymnogyps califonianus
California least tern
Sterna albifrons browni
golden eagle
Aquila chrysaetos
greater sandhill crane
Grus candadensis tabida
light-footed Ridgway's rail
(formerly light-footed clapper rail) |
Rallus longirostris levipes
southern bald eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus
trumpeter swan
Cygnus buccinator
white-tailed kite
Elanus leucurus
Yuma Ridgway's rail
(formerly Yuma clapper rail) |
Rallus longirostris yumanensis
Common Name
Scientific Name
Morro Bay kangaroo rat
Dipodomys heermanni morroensis
bighorn sheep
Ovis canadensis - except Nelson bighorn sheep
(ssp. Ovis canadensis nelsoni) in the area described
in subdivision (b) of Section 4902 (Fish and Game Code)
northern elephant seal
Mirounga angustirostris
Guadalupe fur seal
Arctocephalus townsendi
genus Bassariscus
Pacific right whale
Eubalanea sieboldi
salt-marsh harvest mouse
Reithrodontomys raviventris
southern sea otter
Enhydra lutris nereis
Gulo luscus