Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory

The Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory

The Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory team combines the staff and facilities of the CDFW and Moss Landing Marine Laboratory (MLML) contracted through the San Jose State University Research Foundation (SJSURF) into a unique cooperative program to investigate the extent of contaminants in the marine environment.

The Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory (MPSL) facilities were first established in 1974 to conduct marine toxicological studies at the Granite Canyon Marine Bioassay facility and operate the California State Mussel Watch, a long-term water quality trends monitoring program which was initiated in 1975 at the Moss Landing facility. Since that time, CDFW has operated the California State Mussel Watch under interagency agreement with the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The SWRCB’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) also contracts to CDFW at MPSL to provide management and field collections for their fish studies and various projects for the Regional Boards.

MPSL staff also contracts with the US EPA to perform assessments for their National Lakes Assessment, Rivers and Streams Assessment, and Marine Waters Assessment Programs. Staff have also performed freshwater fish studies for the U.S. EPA, Delta Regional Monitoring Program, San Joaquin River Program and various other state-wide fish assessment studies. Further, we provide assistance for the bioassessment programs as overseen by CDFW’s Aquatic Bioassessment Laboratory (ABL).


Peter Ode PhD, Laboratory Supervisor
Phone: (916) 358-0316

Gary Ichikawa, Project Manager
Phone: (831) 771-4162

Jon Goetzl, Environmental Scientist
Phone: (831) 771-4160

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