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    Recap of CNDDB's 2022 Accomplishments and 2023 Goals
    • January 25, 2023

    The CNDDB is ready for a renovation. Much of 2022 was spent preparing for upgrades to our program. This will be a multi-year process. While our users may not see much change in 2023, be aware that we've been working hard behind-the-scenes to modernize and streamline our data processing. Things are under construction! In the meantime, here is a summary of what we have done in 2022, and our goals for 2023:

    2022 By the Numbers

    Map of the number element occurrences that were added or updated by county in 2022
    • 100,800 total occurrences in CNDDB
      • 500 new occurrences mapped
      • 500 occurrences updated
    • 279,300 total source records in CNDDB
      • 6,900 sources added (3,500 records added through the Online Field Survey Form)
      • 2,900 sources processed
    • 3,700 total spotted owl records
      • 700 CSO and 3,000 NSO records added
      • 1,300 spotted owl sites updated
      • 317 activity centers updated
      • 27 activity centers added
    • 1,800 barred owl records added to the Barred Owl Observations Database
    • 263 element state rankings have been updated
    • Continued expanding our CNDDB iNaturalist Project (click to join us!)
      • 44,800 observations
      • 1,900 species
      • 3,800 members

    2022 Accomplishments

    • Created new training materials
      • New video that goes over common ways users may access CNDDB and spotted owl data using BIOS and RareFind
      • Updated user guides for the launch of BIOS 6
    • CNDDB modernization (ongoing)
      • Plan for new ways CNDDB systems and processes can better serve all interested parties
      • Conducted user survey; results of the survey that you all provided input for directly influenced our assessment of the CNDDB system, tools, and products.
      • Continued the Project Approval Lifecycle (PAL) process for modernizing CNDDB
    • Welcomed a new botanist to the program

    Goals for 2023

    • CNDDB modernization
      • CNDDB will be laser focused on finishing the PAL process for our modernization effort, quickly moving to the implementation phase of the project. For that reason, users may see moments of inactivity in our regular core duties in 2023.
      • Expand CNDDB staff resources to the extent possible
      • Continue CNDDB outreach through our blog or social media

    While we are juggling all these goals in 2023, you may see a lull in our data processing. Fortunately, we currently have a way to share data to our subscribers prior to CNDDB processing. Data submitted through the Online Field Survey Form is shared with our users the next month. Therefore, if you detected CNDDB-tracked species while out in the field, please remember to submit your data through our online form. Obtaining quality data is a vital first step to protecting California’s rarest natural resources, and you can help make that happen. As always, you can contact us at any time with suggestions or questions by emailing Wishing everyone a wonderful 2023!

    Categories: Yearly review

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