Submitting Data to the CNDDB


The CNDDB accepts data on rare species in a number of formats. The method of submission will likely depend on the amount of data that was collected, the format the data was collected in, and the type of project being carried out. For all data submissions, the more information that is provided to the CNDDB on population size, site condition, threats, etc., the better the CNDDB can assign an accurate occurrence rank to the site. The occurrence rank is then taken into consideration when determining rarity status and when prioritizing sites for conservation purposes.

Below are the most common ways data is submitted to the CNDDB. The preferred method of data submission is the CNDDB Online Field Survey Form. If you are unclear as to how to submit your data, please contact the CNDDB program and we can work with you to determine the best way to submit your data.

Online Field Survey Form

This Internet application allows users to fill out and submit a field survey form online. It contains a mapping tool to help pinpoint the survey location, and allows users to generate PDF reports of their data submissions. All previous online submissions are saved with your account so that you can view your previous online submissions and be confident that your form was submitted to the CNDDB.

Digital Data

The CNDDB accepts digital data in a number of formats including GIS shapefiles, DBF files, Microsoft Access databases, or tabular formats (such as Excel tables). This type of data submission is especially useful for large amounts of data. If you are submitting digital data with animal detections, please contact the CNDDB lead zoologist regarding your data submission.

PDF Field Survey Form

CNDDB Field Survey Form (PDF)

This is the PDF version of the CNDDB field survey form. Once filled out, the form can be emailed or mailed as a hard copy. Please consider using our Online Field Survey Form web application for submitting your observations. This web application includes some quality control capabilities and allows users to generate PDF reports of their data submissions. In addition, data that is submitted via our Online Field Survey Form application is subsequently made available to CNDDB subscribers in the BIOS map viewer.


CNDDB will accept reports as a form of data submission. Reports are best submitted in conjunction with field survey forms or digital data to provide context for the surveys performed. However, CNDDB will accept reports as the sole form of data submission as long as they contain location information on the rare species observed (maps or coordinates) and some additional information about those observations (such as date observed and population sizes).


If you have a brief update for a particular occurrence, you can simply send CNDDB an email with the updated information. This type of data submission works best for notifying the CNDDB of misidentified occurrences or brief site visits of previously documented occurrences.