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    Long-time CNDDB users know that the CNDDB is California’s Natural Heritage program, part of an international network of similar programs across the US and Canada called NatureServe. For nearly 50 years, NatureServe has been the authoritative source for biodiversity data throughout the Western Hemisphere. Collectively, NatureServe works closely with the 60+ network programs to aggregate, analyze, and deliver biodiversity information, providing comprehensive spatial data to meet regulatory and conservation needs.

    Over the past year, NatureServe CEO and President, Sean O’Brien, has been journeying across the US and Canada as part of the NatureServe Van Tour to visit the various NatureServe network programs. The purpose of the tour is to learn about how the network programs and NatureServe can collaboratively achieve shared goals and ultimately achieve great outcomes for species and habitat conservation.

    In April, the NatureServe Van Tour arrived at California. The CNDDB joined staff from other CDFW programs and The Nature Conservancy to provide a tour for Sean of Cosumnes River Ecological Preserve. We even made the news!

    Several people linking arms to hug a large oak tree.
    Photo credit: Katie Ferguson, CDFW
    It took 5 people to completely hug this beautiful valley oak named “The Mother Tree” at Cosumnes River Ecological Preserve.

    Categories:   Partner Spotlight

    A view of the many rows of storage cabinets in CAS-IZ

    Calling all time travelers! The California Academy of Science’s Invertebrate Zoology Department (CAS-IZ) has launched a new crowd-sourcing effort to transcribe specimen labels from key collections.

    CAS-IZ’s Invertebrate Time Machine is the most recent addition to the Notes from Nature transcription project hosted on Zooniverse, one of the most widely-used platforms for "people-powered" research. Christina Piotrowski, CAS-IZ Collections Manager, emphasized the urgency of the undertaking: "On our changing planet, there's an ever-increasing need for scientists to study the hundreds of millions of natural history specimens housed in global museum collections. Like a huge biological time machine, these diverse specimens provide 'snapshots' of Life on Earth through time and space in ways no other resource can. Museum collections have long been accessed by researchers to answer critical global questions, but we must now bring these museum specimens 'off the shelves' by digitizing their data, increasing global accessibility to irreplaceable snapshots of our ever-changing natural world."

    Since 1853, CAS has led the way in biodiversity research. Their collections are an invaluable resource for the scientific community at large, and to CNDDB in particular. This is a chance for all of us to give back, and lend a hand to this venerable California institution.

    Start transcribing today on the link opens in new windowInvertebrate Time Machine home page, and enjoy your epic travels!

    Categories:   Partner Spotlight

    Biogeographic Data Branch
    Physical Address: 1700 9th Street, 4th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95811
    Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
    (916) 322-2493 |