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    Days are getting shorter, temperatures are getting cooler, and rain is starting to fall. These changes are welcomed by many species that thrive in this wetter, chillier weather. We encourage all of you to get outside, enjoy this changing weather, and see these great plants and animals for yourself! Here are our favorite photos submitted through the online field survey form during November:

    Frontal closeup of Del Norte salamander

    Plethodon elongatus – Del Norte salamander
    Submitted by Mark Raggon of the United States Forest Service

    Mark snapped a close-up of this juvenile Del Norte salamander, a California Species of Special Concern, near the California Oregon border in Del Norte county. This species inhabits the very northwestern portion of the state in Del Norte, Siskiyou, Humboldt, and Trinity counties. Del Norte salamanders are lungless salamanders, so they breathe through their skin and tissues surrounding their mouths! Because of this unique way of respiration, they must live in wet terrestrial environments and remain mostly inactive during hotter months. Little activity combined with short limbs make for a fairly sedentary lifestyle. Studies have shown that the Del Norte salamander stays within a 7.5 square meter area within a year. This is only about a 24-foot square! Populations of this species are sensitive, yet stable even though logging is a cause of habitat loss and disturbance. Thank you, Mark, for the great picture of this neat species!

    subalpine fir

    Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa – subalpine fir
    Submitted by Dana York

    This evergreen tree was found by Dana while hiking along a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail in Siskiyou County. It is listed as a 2B.3 (Rare or Endangered in California but common elsewhere; not very threatened in California) in the California Rare Plant Ranking system. In California, Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa is restricted to meadows and subalpine coniferous forests in Siskiyou County. Like many firs, A. lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa creates cones that are wind pollinated, often in early summer. Once fully mature these cones begin to fall apart releasing winged seeds dispersing with help from the wind. Thank you, Dana, for sharing this amazing find from your hike!

    Categories:   Contributor Spotlight

    A view of Lassen Peak from the top of Cinder Cone

    From moist forest to the dry deserts, California is home to diverse natural beauty. Luckily, the state is also home to numerous trails! This Sunday, November 17th is National Take a Hike Day. Celebrate by hitting the trails and appreciating nature! Who knows what you'll encounter along the way? If you see any CNDDB-tracked plants or animals, be sure to share your findings with us via the Online Field Survey Form.

    Categories:   Education and Awareness

    In observance of GIS Day and the CNDDB’s 40th anniversary, let’s take a look back at the technological history of the CNDDB and how geographic information systems help us keep track of the thousands of rare species occurrences in this very diverse state!

    The first true GIS, CGIS, was developed in 1960 by Roger Tomlinson to store and analyze the Canada Land Inventory’s extensive map collection. Other GIS systems were developed over the course of the 1960’s and 1970’s, leading to the release of commercially-available desktop software such as Esri’s ARC/INFO in the early 1980’s.

    When the California Natural Diversity Database was founded in 1979, GIS was still a relatively new technology and wasn’t widely available. CNDDB staff documented locations of special status species by marking 7.5 minute topographic maps with stickers and writing notes in the map margins. They would fill out forms by hand, in pencil, documenting each element occurrence and index cards documenting each source. In this manner they created an extensive repository of over 15,000 occurrences!

    Topo map of Point Loma labeled with CNDDB occurrencesOld CNDDB source card: an index card filled out with author, source code, date, short description of the data, and where it was filed.

    Over the course of the 1980’s and 1990’s, the CNDDB continued to adopt new GIS technologies as they became available. Occurrence locations were digitized into a CAD and occurrence forms were typed into a computer database. Later, the CNDDB adopted a true integrated GIS, and with advances in computer graphics technology they were able to display topographic overlays on their computer screens, mapping element occurrences fully on the computer and recycling the old library of paper maps.

    1980s photo of CNDDB staff digitizing an element occurrence from a paper mapComputer monitor displaying digitized CNDDB occurrences

    The program distributed sensitive species information to our subscribers at first by printing out map overlays and occurrence reports in response to requests, but by the 1990’s had developed the RareFind software application to allow subscribers to view and display CNDDB data on their own computers.

    Today, the CNDDB is the largest natural heritage program database of any state, with over 90,000 element occurrence records. GIS technology has played an integral role in helping the database to keep track of the vast amount of information available on the rare and sensitive species of California.

    With the wealth of information accessible on the internet, the explosion of citizen science in recent years, and the increasing risk to sensitive species in a changing climate, it is an incredibly difficult task to keep the database up to date and summarize all observations of a given site into high-quality occurrence records. However, the CNDDB continues to evolve and adapt to new GIS technologies, and we eagerly look ahead to the future, just like the CNDDB staff who began this whole endeavor on pencil and paper, way back in 1979.

    Categories:   General