TCFRP Region 2 - North Central Region

Region 2 Timberland


Region 2 is the North Central Region of California. Of the seventeen counties covered by this Region, twelve include timberland.

Map of CDFW Region 2 timberland - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge

Region 2 Forestry Topics

Wolves and Timber Harvest

Gray wolves (Canis lupus) are present in the North Central Region and are protected as endangered species under the California Endangered Species Act and the Endangered Species Act. Wolves are habitat generalists and should be addressed in Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs), and any other timber operations in the Region.

CDFW maintains a gray wolf page with natural history information and updates on wolves in California.

CDFW also maintains a wolf activity map (PDF)(opens in new tab) which is updated quarterly. This map provides current information on known resident wolf territories in California.

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