Gray Wolf

Profile of a wolf in the forest
Profile of wolf running
Profile of wolf running
A black wolf in the snow


The gray wolf (Canis lupus) is a recovering endangered species protected under the California Endangered Species Acts (CESA) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Endangered Species Act. This native species was likely extirpated from California in the 1920s. Wolves have returned to California on their own by dispersal of individuals from source populations in other states. The public reporting of potential wolf sightings are investigated in California, and valued as a monitoring tool. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) did not reintroduce gray wolves to the state.

Yowlumni Pack wolves in Tulare County, Fall 2023.
Shasta Pack pups in Siskiyou County, August, 2015.


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    In California, gray wolves are classified as federally endangered under the US Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Act, state endangered under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) and Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the State Wildlife Action Plan. Gray wolves began natural recolonization of California beginning in 2011; the first pack was the Shasta Pack in 2015 (no longer active). Today there are seven confirmed packs in California:  Beyem Seyo pack (Plumas County), Diamond pack (Plumas and Lassen counties), Harvey pack (Lassen County), Ice Cave pack (Shasta, Tehama, Lassen, and Plumas counties), Lassen Pack (southern Lassen/northern Plumas counties), Whaleback Pack (Siskiyou County), and Yowlumni pack (Tulare County). There may be an unknown number of individual wolves that have dispersed from packs or adjacent states. The department strives to conserve gray wolf populations for their ecological and intrinsic values and closely monitors our overall wolf population / packs for conservation and research, management and conflict mitigation.

    The Conservation Plan for Gray Wolves in California (December 2016; Part I (PDF); Part II (PDF)) was developed during a multi-year process led by CDFW with input from its California Wolf Stakeholder Working Group. Today, the CDFW Wolf Program and its core team members work to fulfill the adaptive strategy of this plan through meaningful engagement with agency partners, stakeholders and affected communities. The key overarching objectives includes monitoring wolf populations, expanding scope of conservation, management and research focus, and manage and mitigate wolf-livestock interactions to minimize loss.

    Archived Documents

    California's Known Wolves

    The CDFW closely monitors known resident wolves to conserve and manage California's wolf population. Gray wolves began natural recolonization of California beginning in late 2011 following Oregon wolf OR-7; since then several satellite-collared and unknown wolves from Oregon have dispersed into the state since then. The first known pack in California in modern times was the Shasta Pack (last observed in late 2015). Today, California has seven confirmed wolf packs: Beyem Seyo pack, Diamond pack, Harvey pack, Ice Cave Pack, Lassen pack, Whaleback pack, and Yowlumni pack. There are fives areas of wolf activity in Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, and Tehama Counties. There are likely an unknown number of individual wolves that currently occur in California that may have dispersed from packs in California or from adjacent states.

    Quarterly Wolf News and Updates

    Wolf Sightings

    If you have observed evidence of wolf sign (tracks/scat), or photographed / filmed what you believed to be a individual or multiple individual wolves, Report Gray Wolf Sightings. If the web form doesn't allow you to upload all your photographs or videos, please send them to

    Please use the following informational guide for Distinguishing Between Coyotes, Wolves, and Dogs (PDF).

    Known Wolves in California

    Quarterly Wolf Updates

    Wolf Distribution Maps

    Maps display the approximate boundaries of known resident wolf territories in California based on the best data available. The locations of dispersing wolves are not included, as they have unpredictable and widespread movements. Map is updated quarterly or as warranted by new data.

    Potential Conflict and Depredation

    CDFW works to reduce the impacts of wolf presence on livestock in partnership with agricultural and conservation groups, and livestock producers. The use of nonlethal deterrent tools is important. Since 2017, deterrent tools such as fladry, radio-activated guard devices, and Foxlights have been successfully deployed at several properties within known wolf territory in California.

    CDFW works closely with USDA Wildlife Services to investigate suspected wolf depredation as soon as reasonably possible. Physical evidence and other factors are analyzed using specific Considerations for Classification of Reported Wolf Depredation Incidents (PDF). If you have questions about potential conflict or wolf-livestock depredation, you may contact:

    • Kent Laudon, Wolf Specialist, Redding, CA, California Department of Fish and Wildlife: (530) 215-0751
    • Nate Libal, Wolf Specialist, Chico, CA, California Department of Fish and Wildlife: (530) 260-3118
    • Christopher DeTar, Wolf Conflict Specialist, Fresno, CA, California Department of Fish and Wildlife: (559) 580-3207
    • Bill Watkins, USDA-Wildlife Services (Nonlethal Specialist): (530) 616-5593
    • Matt Albertsen, USDA-Wildlife Services (Butte): (530) 538-7381
    • Law Enforcement Dispatch, Northern California, California Department of Fish and Wildlife: (916) 358-1312

    Depredation Investigations (2024)

    Depredation Investigations (2023)

    Depredation Investigations (2022)

    Depredation Investigations (2021)

    Depredation Investigations (2020)

    Depredation Investigations (2019)

    Depredation Investigations (2018)

    Depredation Investigations (2015-17)

    California Wolf Stakeholder Working Group

    On November 17, 2022, CDFW held an in-person meeting with invited stakeholders to discuss the Department’s draft concept regarding the Interim Wolf-Livestock Loss Compensation Grant Program’s Pay for Presence module. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide an interactive forum for invited stakeholders, and the public, to receive and provide comments about the Program. CDFW specifically seeks to solicit feedback from the invited stakeholders. There was an opportunity for the public to provide additional input as well.

    The meeting is expected to provide: (1) updates on the Interim Compensation Grants Program, (2) a presentation and discussion on a pay for presence module, and (3) updates on CDFW’s Wolf Program activities.

    The meeting was open to the public, invited guests included Agricultural Commissioners and livestock producer representatives from affected counties; California Cattlemen’s Association; California Farm Bureau; California Wool Growers Association; Working Circle; Center for Biological Diversity; Defenders of Wildlife; CA Department of Food & Agriculture; University of California-Cooperative Extension; and USDA-APHIS Wildlife Service.

    Agenda: CDFW-Wolf Stakeholder Meeting Agenda (PDF)

    Proposal: Wolf-Livestock Compensation Pilot Program (PDF) *DRAFT CONCEPT*

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Did the State of California reintroduce wolves?

    No, wolves were not reintroduced into California. Wolves have returned to the state on their own by dispersal of individuals from source populations in other states. Since the 2011 dispersal of Oregon wolf OR-7, a minimum of 44 wolves are currently known to be in the state.

    Are wolves a native species in California?

    Yes, gray wolves (Canis lupus) are a native species to California. They were likely extirpated from California in the 1920s. There are currently two known museum specimens in California.

    • Historical range of the wolf in California most likely included the Sierra Nevada, southern Cascades, Modoc Plateau, Klamath Mountains and perhaps the North Coast Ranges.
    • Observations by early explorers and settlers suggest wolves were also in the Central Valley, the western slope of the Sierra Nevada foothills and mountains, and the Coastal Ranges until the early 1800s.
    • Their historical abundance and distribution are poorly understood with many anecdotal reports, but few preserved specimens.

    When, and why, did wolves disappear from California?

    There is no definitive answer. Studies demonstrate that human activity can have a negative impact on wolf populations, particularly where there are roads and agricultural activity. Wolves were likely killed to control predation on other animals. Other factors, including hunting, may have contributed to their extirpation from California.

    What is the legal status of wolves in California?

    Where do gray wolves live?

    Wolves historically occupied diverse habitats throughout North America, including forests, grasslands, deserts and tundra. In California, the current known suitable wolf habitat encompasses millions of acres of public and private forests, rangeland, and agricultural lands in the northern portion of the state.

    Wolves are habitat “generalists,” meaning they can adapt to living in many kinds of habitat. They basically need two things to thrive: abundant prey and human tolerance.

    What do gray wolves eat?

    Gray wolves are carnivores. Their primary prey sources are large native species, mainly elk and deer. Wolves will also consume other mammals, birds, and reptiles. They will opportunistically scavenge carrion, and may prey on large livestock under certain circumstances.

    How do I know if I've seen a wolf?

    Adult wolves can weigh up to 120 pounds and stand 26-34 inches at the shoulder. Their coat is usually grizzled gray, but can be mostly or all black. The tail hangs down or straight, but never curled. Wolf tracks may be up to 4 inches wide and 5 inches long.

    If you see an animal you suspect to be a wolf take a picture if possible, note the exact location, date, number of animals, and what they were doing, and report this information to CDFW.

    How do wolves interact with other wildlife?

    Other Predators

    Wolves are known to kill and consume coyotes and several studies show that coyote populations decrease when wolves become reestablished in the same habitat. Wolves sometimes kill bears, particularly while bears are denned up in the winter, but it is unusual for wolves to eat bears. Wolf packs will occasionally kill mountain lions particularly when wolves take over the carcass of a mountain lion kill. Mountain lions and black bears are the only native predators in California capable of killing an adult wolf. In summary, wolves, bears and mountain lions are capable of, and do, kill each other. Although one species may consume another, they do not rely on these other large carnivores as prey.

    Prey Species

    One factor shown to limit wolf populations in other states is prey availability. Elk populations in states with wolves (Idaho, Montana, Wyoming) have mostly remained stable. In a few areas, impacts of wolf predation on specific elk populations have been substantial. Elk behavior has been documented to change when wolves are present. In Idaho, Montana and Wyoming there is little if any information to indicate deer populations have been significantly affected. Where deer and elk populations are low, and human activity and population density are high, wolf populations generally remain low.

    Do wolves pose a threat to human health or safety?

    Human Safety

    Wolves rarely pose a direct threat to human safety. Wild wolves generally fear and avoid people. It is important to know how to avoid contact with wild animals before entering their habitat. In the past 40 years, 18 reports of wolf aggression toward humans have been reported. Eleven of those reports involved wolves habituated to humans and six involved domestic dogs. In recent years there was one confirmed human mortality in Alaska by wolves.

    Wolves can become habituated to humans in areas where they regularly encounter humans or human food. To avoid habituation, wolves, like all wildlife, should never be fed or approached. People should never approach, feed, or otherwise interact with a wolf.

    • If you have a close encounter with a wolf or wolves, do not run. Maintain eye contact.
    • Act aggressively, make noise while retreating slowly.
    • If the wolf does not retreat, continue acting aggressively by yelling or throwing objects.

    Human Health

    Wolves can host tapeworms. Other animals (deer, elk, moose, sheep, goats, cows, rodents) can become infected by ingesting eggs passed with the canine feces causing a parasitic disease called Echinococcosis. If an infected animal is consumed by another animal, the tapeworm life cycle begins again.

    People may become infected if they ingest tapeworm eggs from an infected animal. This may occur while consuming vegetation, drinking contaminated water, or by not washing hands before eating. Most human infections are associated with infected domestic dogs, not wildlife.

    • Do not touch or disturb wolf, coyote or fox scat.
    • Do not consume or allow pet dogs to consume uncooked meat or organs of wild or domestic ungulates.
    • If pet dogs have access to carcasses, talk to a veterinarian about an appropriate deworming treatment.
    • Wear gloves when field dressing a canid carcass and wash any body part that may have come into contact with feces or contaminated fur.

    Do wolves pose a threat to pets or livestock?

    Some wolves may view livestock or livestock carcasses as an easy food source. Livestock loss due to wolf depredation are known to occur, though this is not common. There are effective predator aversion methods that can be used to protect livestock and reduce conflict, including fladry, turbo fladry, range riders, night penning, and foxlights.

    Wolves are by nature territorial and will defend their territories, especially against dogs and coyotes. They can view domestic dogs as competitors, territorial intruders, or prey. Dog owners must be aware of the potential risk to their dogs if they are in wolf habitat, especially when guarding or herding livestock, hunting, accompanying hikers or running. Take precautions to limit potential conflicts.

    • Place a bell or beeping collar on dogs that roam
    • Talk loudly to the dog and/or use whistles
    • Control the dog so that it stays close to you; this should cause wolves to associate dogs with humans
    • Place the dog on a leash if wolves or sign of wolves are seen
    • Keep pets and their food indoors, especially at night
    • Remember, it is illegal to shoot at or attempt to injure or kill a wolf even if it is attacking your dog


    Gray Wolf Program - Wildlife Diversity
    State Gray Wolf Coordinator: Axel Hunnicutt,
    1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605
    Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090

    Wildlife Branch - Wildlife Diversity Program
    1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605