TCFRP Region 3 - Bay Delta Region


Map of Region 3 timberland - click/tap to open PDF in new tab
(click/tap to enlarge)

Region 3 is the Bay Delta Region of California. Of the thirteen counties covered by this Region, six include timberland.


General Contact

Specific Contacts

  • Julie Coombes, she/her, Senior Environmental Scientist Supervisor | (707) 576-2825 | General permitting/process inquiries and scheduling field consultations
  • Robynn Swan, she/her, Senior Environmental Scientist Specialist | (707)210-4467 | Vegetation management and wildfire resiliency inquiries
  • Amanda Ma, she/her, Environmental Scientist | (707) 576-2880
  • Katanja Waldner, she/her, Environmental Scientist | (707) 576-2793

Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090