Scientific, Educational, and Management Authorizations under the California Endangered Species Act

California Endangered Species Act (CESA) threatened and endangered species and any parts or products of CESA threatened and endangered species, may not be imported into the state, exported out of the state, “taken” (i.e., killed), possessed, purchased, or sold without proper authorization. CDFW can authorize individuals, public agencies, universities, zoological gardens, and scientific or educational institutions to import, export, take, or possess CESA-listed species for scientific, educational, or management purposes.

For information on obtaining a scientific, educational, or management authorization for CESA-listed species, select a link below:

Although not specific to CESA-listed species, it may also be helpful to review information on CDFW’s Scientific Collecting Permits page, and CDFW’s Pre-Application Guide (PDF)(opens in new tab) for Scientific Collecting Permits.


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Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090