In 2018, funds were appropriated by the Legislature for CDFW to conduct five-year reviews for species listed as endangered or threatened under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) (Fish and G. Code § 2077, subd. (a)). The goal of each review is to determine if the conditions that led to the original listing of the species are still present.
Using the best scientific information available to CDFW, each five-year review will include information on the following components pursuant to section 2072.3 and section 2077, subdivision (a), of the Fish and Game Code and section 670.1, subdivision (d), of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations: species’ population trend(s), range, distribution (including a detailed distribution map), abundance, life history, factors affecting the species’ ability to survive and reproduce, the degree and immediacy of threats, the impact of existing management efforts, the availability and sources of information, identified habitat essential for the continued existence of the species, and CDFW’s recommendations for future management activities and other recovery measures to conserve, protect, and enhance the species.
After completion, each of the five-year reviews prepared by CDFW will be submitted to the California Fish and Game Commission(opens in new tab), and made available to the public. If the five-year review contains a recommendation to add or remove a species from the list of endangered species or the list of threatened species, the Fish and Game Commission will consider the five-year review as a petition with a CDFW recommendation to accept and consider the petition (Fish and G. Code § 2077, subd. (e)).