Accordion side navigation CESA Listing Process Permitting Overview Incidental Take Permits Consistency Determinations Safe Harbor Agreements Scientific, Educational & Management Permits Choosing the Right CESA Permit Recovery Planning Mitigation Land Acquisition Status Reviews of Candidate Species Five-Year Species Reviews Status Summaries (All Species) Compare CESA to Federal ESA Additional CESA Resources Additional California Endangered Species Act Resources From CDFW California Natural Diversity Database Provides location and natural history information on plants, animals, and natural communities. BIOS Viewer System designed to enable the management, visualization, and analysis of biogeographic data collected by CDFW and partner organizations. Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Grant Program Threatened and Endangered Animal Species List (PDF)(opens in new tab) Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plants List (PDF)(opens in new tab) California Fish and Game Code(opens in new tab) List of Fully Protected Animal Species Cooperative Agreement Between the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2015) (PDF)(opens in new tab) Threatened and Endangered Species Report, 2005 Considerations for Conserving the Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog (PDF)(opens in new tab) CDFW Biologist Resume Form (Word) From Other Agencies U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species(opens in new tab) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Recovery Plans(opens in new tab) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Grants(opens in new tab)