CNDDB Subscriptions

What's Included

A subscription to the CNDDB includes:

  • Notice: All uses of data from the CNDDB are subject to the terms and conditions contained in our License Agreement (PDF).
  • Please refer to our Data Use Guidelines (PDF) document for information on using the CNDDB data.
  • Attention CNDDB subscribers: starting February 4, 2020, any subscription user wishing to access CNDDB-related data will be required to register for an individual CDFW account and be listed as an authorized user under a current CNDDB subscription. The cnddb_gov and cnddb_com login credentials will be discontinued. More information can be found in the Subscription User Management Instructions and FAQ (PDF), or by contacting your organization’s subscription administrator.

CNDDB Annual Subscription

  • Initial rate is $600 for 1 year, with annual renewals at $400/year.
  • Should the subscription lapse three months or more, the initial rate of $600 will be charged.
  • Subscription Order Form (PDF), or call Information Services at (916) 322-2493.

CNDDB Maps and Text Reports

Each report includes a PDF map of CNDDB data for a 1:24,000 scale USGS base map with associated text report. Prices may vary depending on individual quad.

Product Price
Text Report + PDF Map/Quad (non-subscribers) $ 25.00

A standard order takes approximately five business days to process and deliver. The standard order includes all occurrences on a USGS 7.5' quad. An additional charge for staff time will be added for custom requests.

All CNDDB requests are invoiced through the Department's Fiscal and Administration Services Branch. We will charge 50% of the total cost for cancellation of orders that we have taken, processed, but have not yet delivered. Orders that have been delivered cannot be returned, and no refund will be made.

For more information on CNDDB products and services, please call our Information Services Staff at (916) 322-2493 or email us at You may also write us at:

Department of Fish and Wildlife
Biogeographic Data Branch
California Natural Diversity Database
P.O. Box 944209
Sacramento, CA 94244-2090