Monthly CNDDB Data Download

The CNDDB and accompanying GIS data are updated and processed monthly for distribution to subscribers. The Spotted Owl Observations Database is continually updated and processed monthly for distribution to subscribers. The Barred Owl Observations Database is processed annually for distribution. All CNDDB subscribers may download these updates. Access to the download site is password controlled; see below for password information. CNDDB, Spotted Owl, and Barred Owl dataset components have been compressed into separate, self-executing files. Subscribers with computers running Windows® may use these files to update their CNDDB and owl data.

Updates to the CNDDB GIS Data, October 2019 (PDF)

Jump to Subscriber Downloads, or read instructions

  • Notice: All uses of data from the CNDDB are subject to the terms and conditions contained in our License Agreement (PDF).
  • Please refer to our Data Use Guidelines (PDF) document for information on using the CNDDB data.
  • Attention CNDDB subscribers: starting February 4, 2020, any subscription user wishing to access CNDDB-related data will be required to register for an individual CDFW account and be listed as an authorized user under a current CNDDB subscription. The cnddb_gov and cnddb_com login credentials will be discontinued. More information can be found in the Subscription User Management Instructions and FAQ (PDF), or by contacting your organization’s subscription administrator.


Data updates will occur every month on the first Tuesday of the month or the next business day if the Tuesday is a holiday. If you are a subscriber and need login information, please contact BDB Information Services at (916) 322-2493.

Data Last Updated: March 4, 2025

2025 Update Schedule

  • January 7
  • February 4
  • March 4
  • April 1
  • May 6
  • June 3
  • July 1
  • August 5
  • September 2
  • October 7
  • November 4
  • December 2

Read these instructions before proceeding

  1. On the dates shown above, new CNDDB data updates will be made available to current CNDDB subscribers on our password-protected Data Updates web page. If you are a CNDDB subscriber and are unable to login to the Data Updates web page, please contact BDB Information Services at (916) 322-2493.
  2. In a web browser, navigate to the CNDDB Subscriber's Data Updates web page, where you will login to download the data updates.
  3. On the Data Updates web page, you will need to login using the individual CDFW self-service account that is associated with your CNDDB subscription. Each of these accounts must be authorized by your organization's subscription manager following the instructions for the CNDDB Subscriptions User Management web app (PDF).
  4. Once you have access to the server, you will see the files gis_gov.exe (or gis_com.exe), spowl_db.exe, and bdow_db.exe.
    • The gis_*.exe file contains the CNDDB GIS data for users of ArcGis Desktop or other GIS applications.
    • The spowl_db.exe file contains the Spotted Owl Observations Database, which can be used with GIS software and/or database applications.
    • The bdow_db.exe file contains the Barred Owl Observations Database, which can be used with GIS software and/or database applications.
  5. To download, simply click on one of the files, and then click on "Save". A pop-up window should appear, prompting you to select a location to which to save the file. Navigate to your Windows Desktop , and then click "Save". The file will be downloaded and saved to your Desktop. Proceed with the remaining files, downloading them as needed.
  6. Once you have downloaded the files to your Desktop, you can run them to extract the data. Double-clicking on the gis_*.exe file or the spowl_db.exe file will cause the compressed data to be extracted to a folder of your choice, where the data is then available for use.

Biogeographic Data Branch
Physical Address: 1700 9th Street, 4th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95811
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 322-2493 |