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    Join us in celebrating California Biodiversity Day
    • September 5, 2019
    September 7, 2019 marks the first official celebration of California Biodiversity Day, an annual event created to celebrate the state's exceptional biodiversity and encourage actions to protect it.

    Collage of California's biodiversity
    CDFW photos by Annie Chang, Tammy Dong, Katie Ferguson, and Rachel Powell

    September 7, 2019 is the first official California Biodiversity Day! This day was created to celebrate the unique biodiversity of California, as well as promoting ways to protect it. Are you interested in participating in this celebration? There are several events that are taking place over the weekend that you can join. Go out and explore the wilderness! If you find any link opens in new windowplants (PDF) or link opens in new windowanimals (PDF) that we track, let us know via our Online Field Survey Form.

    Categories: Education and Awareness

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