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    Happy World Lizard Day!
    • August 14, 2019
    CNDDB celebrates World Lizard Day.

    western fence lizard peering over the edge of a rock

    Today we celebrate our reptilian friends the lizard. We came across this wise lizard that had some words of wisdom for us:

    We are kin, scales of keratin.
    Spiky and rough, but it's been tough.
    Report for support.
    -W. F. Lizard

    We think this lizard is saying, if you come across any of the link opens in new window24 CNDDB tracked lizards (PDF), to let us know by submitting your findings through our Online Field Survey Form. If you snap a handsome photo of them like this one of W. F. Lizard, it may also be featured in our next Photo of the Month!

    Categories: Education and Awareness

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