Left: Calistoga popcornflower (Plagiobothrys strictus) Right: Napa bluegrass (Poa napensis)
Photo credit: © Jake Ruygt, all rights reserved
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has initiated two five-year species reviews for the state threatened Calistoga popcornflower (Plagiobothrys strictus) and the state endangered Napa bluegrass (Poa napensis) to evaluate if the conditions that led to the original listing have changed and to provide recommendations regarding the species’ status and management to the California Fish and Game Commission (Commission).
These five-year species reviews will inform the Commission's decision on whether to retain or change the status of the species under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). As part of this process, the CNDDB would like to encourage anyone who has observed Calistoga popcornflower and/or Napa bluegrass to submit their findings to us. People who have questions or comments about the review process should email our Native Plant Program. The deadline to submit data and comments is Friday May 16, 2025, to allow us sufficient time for evaluation.
Calistoga popcornflower and Napa bluegrass are annual plants that overlap in vernal pool habitat and occur exclusively in Calistoga in Napa County. There are only 3 known populations of Calistoga popcornflower and 2 known populations of Napa bluegrass left in the world. Calistoga popcornflower was listed as threatened under CESA in 1990 and Napa bluegrass was originally listed as endangered and afforded protection under the Native Plant Protection Act in 1979 and then under CESA in 1984 when plants became a part of CESA (Fish & G. Code, §2050 et seq.). The purpose of a five-year species review is to use the best scientific information available to determine if the conditions that led to the original species listing are still present or have changed since listing, and recommend to retain or change the status of the species (Fish & G. Code, §§ 2072.3 & 2077). Process information, along with recently completed reviews, are available on our web page for Five-year Reviews of Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species. Take of these species is prohibited without an appropriate permit for scientific, educational or management purposes. For more information on permitting, visit our CESA permits web page.
We need your help in better understanding the threatened status of Calistoga popcornflower and the endangered status of Napa bluegrass. If you have ever found them in the wild, submit your findings to us through our Online Field Survey Form.