Space is available in two CNPS workshops on CNPS-CDFW vegetation mapping methods.
Vegetation Rapid Assessment / Relevé
July 19-21, UC WMRC Crooked Creek Station, White Mountains outside of Bishop
Taught by Julie Evens, Vegetation Program Director, CNPS; Jennifer Buck-Diaz, Vegetation Ecologist, CNPS
$555 CNPS Members / $585 Non-Members, INCLUDES ALL MEALS AND LODGING
This course will be a combination of lecture and field exercises in vegetation sampling with a focus on collecting data using the CNPS-CDFW combined vegetation rapid assessment / relevé method. We will discuss applications of fine-scale vegetation sampling, classification and mapping, how to document rare natural communities, and how vegetation information fits into planning documents
Vegetation Mapping
August 1-3, UC Berkeley GIF Lab & field sites in Marin County
Taught by Julie Evens, Vegetation Program Director, CNPS; Todd Keeler-Wolf, Senior Vegetation Ecologist, VegCAMP Program, CDFW; John Menke, Senior Vegetation Mapping Specialist, AIS
$665 CNPS Members / $695 Non-Members
Through a combination of field and computer exercises, participants will learn techniques for fine-scale vegetation mapping. Participants will learn about vegetation sampling, classification, and photo interpretation, practice creating a vegetation map using Geographic Information Systems, collect reconnaissance samples to support the 2nd edition of A Manual of California Vegetation classification, practice techniques of photo interpretation, delineation, and attribution, and validate a vegetation map through accuracy assessment.