CNDDB QuickView view species by quad
The CNDDB has added a new feature to the publicly accessible CNDDB QuickView Tool. In addition to generating lists of CNDDB elements for quads and counties, users can now view CNDDB quad-level data for any selected CNDDB-tracked element. Both CNDDB Mapped Data and Unprocessed Data will be displayed as with other searches in the CNDDB QuickView. Mapped Data indicates data that has been evaluated by CNDDB biologists and mapped into the CNDDB’s Element Occurrence database. Unprocessed Data indicates data that has not been quality-checked by CNDDB staff and should be used with caution. This new feature provides users with an easy way to visualize CNDDB quad-level data for a species. For more information on the CNDDB QuickView Tool, see our User Guide.