Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep In Yosemite - Cathedral Range


broad view of mostly snow-covered mountain tops
Parson Plateau provides wind-blown winter habitat that is partially snow-free.
low vegetation growing among rocks on the edge of a mountain plateau
Lush summer forage on the Parsons Plateau.

The Cathedral Range herd was reestablished in the spring of 2015 with the translocation of 13 Sierra bighorn from the Mt. Langley, Mt. Baxter, and Wheeler Ridge herds. Five additional rams were augmented to the herd in the fall of 2016 to increase breeding opportunities. Most of the Cathedral ewes wintered on the Parson’s Plateau in 2016 and 2017. With limited opportunity to breed, as well as the heavy 2017 winter, population size in the Cathedral Range has diminished, but as of 2021 the herd remained intact.

The Recovery Program began collaring animals at Mt. Williamson in 2008. In 2009, at least 1 bighorn ewe travelled here from Mount Baxter and took up residence in the George Creek area. Other ewes have traveled between these herd units, but it is not clear if they immigrated or were just visiting.

Cathedral Range Herd Movement Data


  • 9/6/2023 Attempts this summer to find any live ewes in this herd have failed. We have only seen rams alive in this herd unit after the record-breaking snowfall winter.
  • 3/1/2023 All collared ewes appear to have died from the heavy snows this winter. The young collared ram appears to still be alive.
  • 7/21/2022 A group of 12 was observed, including 5 lambs.
  • 3/24/2022 1 yearling male and 2 adult females were captured and collared. Now we will be better able to monitor this population.
  • 6/2/2021 2 lambs, 2 yearlings, and 4 adult ewes were spotted in the herd. This is great news--the Cathedral herd persists and is reproducing!
  • 9/17/2018 4 Lambs were seen this year with a total of 8 adults. This is great news for the Cathedral range to ensure that it continues to grow.
  • 1/17/2017 All of the collared ewes, aside from S371, moved from the southwest ridge of Mt. Lyell to the Parsons Plateau.
  • 11/2/2016 5 rams were translocated to Cathedral from the Mt. Baxter herd unit.
  • 7/12/2016 11 Sierra bighorn, including 2 yearlings, were seen on the Parsons Plateau.
  • 7/1/2015 Two lambs are counted during the summer survey
  • 3/30/2015 Cathedral Herd Started with 10 ewes and 3 Rams

Inland Deserts Region (Region 6)
Regional Manager: Heidi Calvert
3602 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite C-220
Ontario, CA 91764