Accordion side navigation Bighorn Sheep Desert Bighorn Sheep Overview Natural History Monitoring Efforts How to see a Desert Bighorn How You Can Help Scientific Literature & Works Cited Contact Program Peninsular Desert Bighorn Sheep Overview Range and Habitat Bighorn Behavior Recovery and Conservation Photos Selected Program Literature Program Staff Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Overview Natural History Disease Risk Recovery Program Yosemite Bighorn Sequoia Kings Bighorn Migrating Mural See also: Bighorn Sheep Hunting Peninsular Desert Bighorn Sheep Literature Key: P - Peer Reviewed Publication, D - Dissertation, T - Thesis, R - Reports Citations by Subject Recovery Plan Documents R - Five-Year Progress Report on Recovery - USFWS 2011 (PDF) R - Critical Habitat Designation - USFWS 2009 (PDF) R - Recovery Plan - USFWS 2000 (PDF) Research Publications to Support Recovery P - Pathogen Surveillance and Epidemiology in Peninsular Bighorn Sheep - Sanchez 2022 P - Puma Predation on Radiocollared and Uncollared Bighorn Sheep - Clemenza 2009 (PDF) P - Assessment of Predictive Habitat Models for Bighorn Sheep - Rubin 2009 (PDF) P - Status of Bighorn Sheep in California - Epps 2005 (PDF) P - Flawed model has serious conservation implications: Response to Turner et al. - Osterman 2005 (DPF) P - Determination of Critical Habitat for the Endangered Nelson's Bighorn Sheep - Turner 2005 (PDF) P - Modeling Demographic Processes in an Endangered Population of Bighorn Sheep - Rubin 2002(PDF) P - Fecal DNA Analysis And Risk Assessment of Mountain Lion Predation of Bighorn Sheep - Ernest 2002 (PDF) P - Bighorn Sheep Habitat Use and Selection Near an Urban Environment - Rubin 2002 (PDF) P - Captive Breeding and Reintroduction Evaluation Criteria - Osterman 2001 (PDF) P - Reproductive Strategies of Desert Sheep - Rubin 2000 (PDF) P - Mountain Lion Predation of Bighorn Sheep in the Peninsular Ranges - Hayes 2000 (PDF) P - Genetic Variation and Population Structure: Implications for Conservation - Espeleta 2000 (PDF) P - Distribution and Abundance of Bighorn Sheep in the Peninsular Ranges, California - Rubin 1998 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep in the San Jacinto Mountains - DeForge 1998 (PDF) P - Population dyanmics of Peninsular bighorn sheep in the Santa Rosa Mountains, California, 1983-1994 - DeForge 1995 (PDF) P - Morphometric Analysis of Peninsular Bighorn - Ramey 1993 (PDF) Annual Reports P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Schaeffer 2020-21 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2019-20 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2018-19 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2017-18 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2016-17 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2015 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2014 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2013 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2012 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2011 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2010 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2009 (PDF) P - Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Annual Report - Colby, Botta 2008 (PDF)