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Langley bighorn sheep (PDF) 1989 Status of bighorn sheep in California (PDF) Historical Demographics (PDF) 1987 Status Mount Baxter (PDF) Mountain sheep in California: A historical perspective (PDF) 1986 Wheeler Ridge and Mt. Langley Survey Results (PDF) 1982 Mount Baxter herd census (PDF) Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep: History and population ecology (PDF) The Relocation of Bighorn Sheep in the Sierra Nevada of California (PDF) The Mount Baxter herd: Past and future census (PDF) Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep: An analaysis of management alternatives (PDF) Demography and Management P - Wagler, B. L., R. A. Smiley, A. B. Courtemanch, G. Anderson, D. Lutz, D. McWhirter, D. Brimeyer, P. Hnilicka, C. P. Massing, D. W. German, T. R. Stephenson, K. L. Monteith. 2022. Effects of helicopter net-gunning on survival of bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 2022:1-18. P - Bleich, V. C., J. D. Wehausen, S. G. Torres, K. Anderson, and T. R. Stephenson. 2021. Fifty years of bighorn sheep translocations: details from California (1971-2020) (PDF). 2021 Desert Bighorn Council Transactions 56:1-32. P - Flesch, E. P., T. A. Graves, J. M. Thomson, K. M. Proffitt, P. J. White, T. R. Stephenson, R. A. Garrott. 2020. Evaluating wildlife translocations using genomics: A bighorn sheep case study (PDF). Ecology and Evolution 2020: 13687-13704. P - Conner, M. M., T. R. Stephenson, D. W. German, K. L. Monteith, A. P. Few., E. H. Blair. 2018. Survival analysis: Informing recovery of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1442-1458. R - Few, A.P., Knox, K.,German, D. W., Wehausen, J. D., and Stephenson, T. R. 2015 Translocation Plan for Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep: A Focus on Strategic Planning (PDF). California Department of Fish and Wildlife. March, 2015. R - Few, A.P., German, D. W., Hatfield, B. E., Knox, K., Spitz, D., Wehausen, J. D. , and Stephenson, T. R. 2014 Addendum to the Translocation Plan for SNBS (PDF). California Department of Fish and Wildlife. March, 2014. R - Wehausen, J. D., and Jones F. L. The historical distribution of bighorn sheep in the Sierra Nevada, California (PDF). California Fish and Game 100(3):417-435; 2014. R - Few, A.P., German, D. W., Wehausen, J. D. , Pierce, B. M., and Stephenson, T. R. Translocation Plan for Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (PDF). California Department of Fish and Wildlife. February, 2013. P - Johnson, H. E., Mills, L. S., Wehausen, J. D. , Stephenson, T. R. and Luikart, G. Translating Effects of Inbreeding Depression on Component Vital Rates to Overall Population Growth in Endangered Bighorn Sheep (PDF). Conservation Biology, Volume 25, No. 6, 1240–1249. Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.; 2011. P - Johnson, H. E., Mills, L. S., Wehausen, J. D. and Stephenson, T. R. Combining ground count, telemetry, and markresight data to infer population dynamics in an endangered species (PDF). Journal of Applied Ecology 47:1083-1093. Wiley-Blackwell; 2010. P - Johnson, H. E., Mills, L. S., Stephenson, T. R and . Wehausen, J. D. Population-specific vital rate contributions influence management of an endangered ungulate (PDF). Ecological Applications pp. 1753-1765. Ecological Society of America.; 2010. P - Williams, R. D. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) and Taxonomic Revision (PDF). US Federal Register. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 2008. P - Thompson, S. Recovery plan for the Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (PDF). United States Fish and Wildlife Services; 2007. R - Ernest H. B. Captive breeding Contingency plan: A Guide for Captive Breeding of Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (PDF). Report for Interagency Agreement # P9980059 between California Department of Fish and Game and Wildlife Health Center, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis CA. 12/15/2001. R - Wehausen, J.D.An Analysis of Translocation Options for the Recovery of Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 6/1998. R - Sierra Nevada Interagency Advisory Group. A Conservation Strategy of Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 5/1997. P - Bleich, V. C., Wehausen, J.D., K. R. Jones and R. A. Weaver. Status of bighorn sheep in California, 1989 and translocations from 1971 through 1989 (PDF). Desert Bighorn Council 1990 Transactions. Desert Bighorn Council; 1990. R - Wehausen, J. D. A history of bighorn sheep management in the Sierra Nevada (PDF). Preceedings of the State of the Sierra Symposium. State of the Sierra Symposium; 1988. R - Sierra Nevada Interagency Advisory Group. Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery and Conservation Plan (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 9/1984. Habitat Use and Modelling P - Rankins, S. T., T. R. Stephenson, and K. L. Monteith. 2024. Sociality modulates nutritional carrying capacity of an endangered species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.3389/fevo.2024.1417970. P - John, C., T. Avgar, K. Rittger, J. A. Smith, L. W. Stephenson, T. R. Stephenson, and E. Post. 2024. Pursuit and escape drive fine-scale movement variation during migration in a temperate alpine ungulate. Scientific Reports Nature Portfolio 14:1-11. P - Denryter, K., T. R. Stephenson, and K. L. Monteith. 2024. Migratory behaviours are risk-sensitive to physiological state in an elevational migrant. Conservation Physiology 12:1-12. P - Denryter, K., T. R. Stephenson, K. L. Monteith. 2021. Broadening the migratory portfolio of altitudinal migrants (PDF). Ecology 102:1-4. P - Anderson, K., M. L. Cahn, T. R. Stephenson, A. P. Few, B. E. Hatfield, D. W. German, J. Weissman, B. Croft. Cost distance models to predict contact between bighorn sheep and domestic sheep. 2022. Wildlife Society Bulletin 1329:1-22. P - Denryter, K., M. M. Conner, T. R. Stephenson, D. W. German, K. L. Monteith. 2022. Survival of the fattest: How body fat and migration influence survival in highly seasonal environments (PDF). Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14151. P - Berger, D. J., D. W. German, C. John, R. Hart, T. R. Stephenson. 2022. Seeing is be-leaving: Perception informs migratory decisions in Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) (PDF). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:1-20. P - Denryter, K. D. W. German, Stephenson, T. R., K. L. Monteith. 2020. State- and context-dependent applications of an energetics model in free-ranging bighorn sheep. Ecological Modelling 440:109349. P - Stephenson, T. R. , D. W. German, E. F. Cassirer, D. P. Walsh, M. E. Blum, M. Cox, K. M. Stewart, K. L. Monteith. 2020. Linking population performance to nutritional condition in an alpine ungulate. Journal of Mammalogy 101:1244-1256. P - Spitz, D. B., M. Hebblewhite, and T. R. 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P - Greene, L., Hebblewhite, M., and Stephenson, T.R. Short-term vegetation response to wildfire in the eastern Sierra Nevada: Implications for recovering an endangered ungulate (PDF). Journal for Arid Environment, Vol. 87, pp. 118-128. Elsevier; 2012. P - Schroeder, C. A., Bowyer, R.T., Bleich, V.C. and Stephenson, T.R. Sexual segregation in Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis sierrae: Ramifications for conservation (PDF). Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 476-489. Regents of the University of Colorado; 2010. T - Greene, L. Short-term effects of wildfire on Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep habitat ecology (PDF). Thesis, University of Montana. University of Montana; 2010. T - Latham, E. L. S. Changes in bighorn sheep habitat of the Sierra Nevada (PDF). Thesis, University of Calgary. University of Calgary; 9/1/2010. T - Schoeder, C. Sexual segregation and foraging ecology of sierra nevada bighorn sheep during winter (PDF). Thesis, Idaho State University. 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Predation impedes recovery of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (PDF). California Fish and Wildlife Special CESA. California Department of Fish and Wildlife; 2021. T - Forshee, S. C. Life on the Edge: Risk of Predation Drives Selection of Habitat and Survival of Neonates in Endangered Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (PDF). University of Montana; 2018. P - Johnson, H. E., Hebblewhite, M.H. , Stephenson, T.R. , German, D.W. Pierce, B.M. and Bleich,V. B. Evaluating apparent competition in limiting the recovery of an endangered ungulate (PDF). Oecologia. 171(1):295-307. doi: 10.1007/s00442-012-2397-6. Jan. 2013. P - Villepique, J.T., B. M. Pierce,V. C. Bleich,and R. T. Bowyer. Diet of cougars (Puma conolor) following a decline in a population of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus): lack of evidence for switching prey (PDF). Southwestern Naturalist 56(2):187-192. 2011. R - Bleich, V. C. and B. M. Pierce. Cougar management guidelines. Records of North American Big Game, 12th Edition (PDF). 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Endangered Species Listing and Environmental Assessment R - Report to the Fish and Game Commission Five-Year Species Review of Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) (PDF) (CDFW, March 2021) R - Notice of Determination(NOD): US Forest Service Environmental Assessment for Capturing Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Within Portions of the Ansel Adams, Hoover, John Muir, Golden Trout, and South Sierra Wilderness Areas (PDF) (CDFW, Sept 2012) R - Notice of Intent (NOI): Inyo National Forest Environmental Assessment - Capturing Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Within Portions of the Ansel Adams, Hoover, John Muir, Golden Trout, and South Sierra Wilderness Areas (PDF) (CDFW, Sept 2012) R - Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI): Capturing Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Within Portions of the Ansel Adams, Hoover, John Muir, Golden Trout, and South Sierra Wilderness Areas (PDF) (USFS, June 2012) R - Environmental Assessment (EA): Capturing Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Within Portions of the Ansel Adams, Hoover, John Muir, Golden Trout, and South Sierra Wilderness Areas (PDF) (USFS, May 2012) R - Environmental Assessment (EA) - Appendix A: Capturing Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Within Portions of the Ansel Adams, Hoover, John Muir, Golden Trout, and South Sierra Wilderness Areas (PDF) (USFS, May 2012) R - Environmental Assessment (EA) - Appendix B: Capturing Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Within Portions of the Ansel Adams, Hoover, John Muir, Golden Trout, and South Sierra Wilderness Areas (PDF) (USFS, May 2012) R - Environmental Assessment (EA) - Appendix C: Capturing Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Within Portions of the Ansel Adams, Hoover, John Muir, Golden Trout, and South Sierra Wilderness Areas (PDF) (USFS, May 2012) R - Environmental Assessment (EA) - Appendix D: Capturing Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Within Portions of the Ansel Adams, Hoover, John Muir, Golden Trout, and South Sierra Wilderness Areas (PDF) (USFS, May 2012) R - Notice of Determination: Sequoia Kings Canyon National Parks EA (PDF) (CDFW, Oct 2011) R - Notice of Intent: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park EA (PDF) (CDFW, Oct 2011) R - Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Environmental Assessment: Research and Recovery Actions (PDF) (Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, June 2011) R - Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Wilderness Minimum Tool Analysis (PDF) (Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, June 2011) R - Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF) (Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, August 2011) R - 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation (PDF) (USFWS, 09/30/2008) R - Designation of Critical Habitat for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) and Taxonomic Revision; Final Rule (PDF). (Federal Register: 73 FR 45534 45604, 08/05/2008) R - Final Recovery Plan for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis californiana) (PDF) (USFWS, 02/13/2008) R - Recovery Plan for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis californiana) (PDF). (Federal Register: 73 FR 8345 8346, 02/13/2008) R - ETWP; Final Rule To List the Sierra Nevada Distinct Population Segment of the California Bighorn Sheep as Endangered (PDF). (Federal Register: 65 FR 20 30, 01/03/2000) R - Environmental Assessment (EA) For the Management of Mountain Lions to Protect Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep: Finding of No Signinificant Impact (PDF). (USFWS, 01/03/2000) R - ETWP; Emergency Rule To List the Sierra Nevada Distinct Population Segment of California Bighorn Sheep as Endangered (PDF). (Federal Register: 64 FR 19300 19309, 04/20/1999) Outdoor California R - Outdoor California - CDFW, 2006 (PDF) R - Outdoor California - CDFW, 2004 (PDF)