Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep In Sequoia Kings Canyon - Bubbs Creek


five rams traveling across granite slabs
Large ram group on granite slabs in the Rae Lakes basin.
A solitary ewe enjoying a fall day getting a few more choice bites before winter.
A solitary ewe getting a few more choice bites before winter. Photo by Steve Yaeger.

The Bubbs Creek herd unit was naturally re-colonized by Sierra bighorn in the late 1990s to early 2000s. The Recovery Program began collaring animals from Bubbs Creek in 2009. In 2021 we estimated there were approximately 28 bighorn there. This herd unit is relatively difficult to access and small in population size, which makes it challenging to monitor.

Many of our important observations from this herd have come from hikers who send photographs of bighorn sheep. We routinely see rams moving between Sawmill Canyon, Mount Baxter, and Bubbs Creek ensuring good gene flow.

Bubbs Creek Herd Movement Data


  • 8/26/2023 We observed 2 rams, 8 ewes, and 2 lambs in this herd. Happy to see some animals made it through the record-breaking snowfall winter.
  • 7/15/2022 Biologists observed 7 rams, 12 ewes, and 7 lambs, the same day that a hiker reported seeing 6 rams in a separate location, accounting for a total of 32 animals. This is a very good count, especially considering there are no collared animals in the herd.
  • 6/20/2021 Had a lucky observation of this elusive herd, accounting for 25 animals! Group included 17 ewes and 6 lambs.
  • 10/21/2020 During fall capture one female was collared in the Bubbs herd unit. This was a big accomplishment because this herd is not only difficult to access, but we have not had functioning GPS collars within the herd unit for the last couple years.
  • 9/26/2018 4 Lambs were spotted with a group of 10 sheep by the field crew in the basin to the West of Gardiner Basin. This is the largest group seen all year in the Bubbs herd unit.
  • 6/9/2016 S315 was located near Mt. Clarence King.

Inland Deserts Region (Region 6)
Regional Manager: Heidi Calvert
3602 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite C-220
Ontario, CA 91764