Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program - Staff

Staff Profiles

Program Leader - Dr. Tom Stephenson

Bio in Brief

Tom is a Senior Environmental Scientist with CDFW. He is the program leader for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program and the wildlife supervisor for the northern portion of CDFW's Inland Deserts Region. Prior to becoming the program leader, he was the bighorn sheep biologist for the Recovery Program. Tom is also an affiliate assistant professor with the University of Montana and Idaho State University. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in wildlife biology from Colorado State University, Virginia Tech , and the University of Idaho, respectively. He was formerly a research wildlife biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife and director of the Kenai Moose Research Center, as well as an affiliate assistant professor with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.


Key: P - Peer Reviewed Publication, D - Dissertation, PE - Peer Edited Publications, B - Book Chapters

Bighorn Biologist - Lacey Greene

Bio in Brief

Lacey is an Environmental Scientist with CDFW. She serves as a bighorn sheep biologist for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program. Her duties include analyzing environmental impacts of conservation activities, leading field crews, performing population surveys, conducting ground and aerial monitoring of radio-collared animals, analyzing data, and completing habitat assessments.


Key: P - Peer Reviewed Publication, , T - Thesis, PE - Peer Edited Publications, B - Book Chapters, G - Popular Articles and Government reports

Staff Biologist - Cody Massing

Bio in Brief

Cody is an Environmental Scientist with CDFW. She has been working on the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program since 2012. Before joining the SNBSRP, Cody worked with pikas in the Eastern Sierra and northern California, and studied their relationship with climate change for her Masters work at Cal Poly University. Cody has worked with a variety of species, including Olympic marmots, chacma baboons, western gray squirrels, American avocets, giant garter snakes, and gray whales.


Key: P - Peer Reviewed Publication, , T - Thesis, PE - Peer Edited Publications, B - Book Chapters, G - Popular Articles and Government reports

Predator Biologist - Phil Johnston

Bio in Brief

Phil is an Environmental Scientist with CDFW. He has been working with the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program, focused on mountain lion research, since 2021. Before joining the SNBSRP, Phil spent 6 years working as a mountain lion and fisher biologist for the Hoopa Tribe in northern California. Phil grew up in California and got his Bachelor's degree in wildlife management and conservation from Humboldt State University.

Research Analyst - David German

Bio in Brief

David is a Research Analyst with CDFW. He has worked for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program for the last 16 years. Prior to working for CDFW, he worked as an engineer with National Steel and Shipbuilding in San Diego. Previous to that, David was the proverbial "rocket scientist" working on the Space Shuttle Main Engine for 10 years with Rocketdyne Division of Boeing. David is also an associate professor with the Cerro Coso Community College and University of Phoenix, teaching online classes in business and database design. He received a B.E. in Chemical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, an M.B.A. in Management from California Lutheran University, a Masters of Applied Statistics from Colorado State University, and an M.S. in Computer Science from University of Phoenix.

Database Development Projects

  • Rocket Engine Performance Data Analysis Database
  • Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Demographic / GIS Database
  • Round Valley Deer Demographic / GIS Database
  • CDFW Lands Program Tracking, Monitoring, Surveying Database
  • Productivity Enhancement Lessons Learned Database
  • Eastern Sierra Watershed Project Database
  • Legal Licensing Agreement Database
  • Chemical Tracking Database for Hazmat / MSDS Materials
  • Water Flow / Monitoring Database
  • Water Quality Database with upload interface to EPA STORET
  • Medical Records Database


Research Analyst - Kathleen Anderson

Bio in Brief

Kathleen works as a Research Analyst (GIS) for CDFW. She began her work with the Department in 2006 as a scientific aid in the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program. Although she participated in much of the field work she also took an active role in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis for the program. That role eventually led to a permanent position which includes a range of GIS work and field work. Kathleen graduated from University of California at Santa Barbara with a degree in physical anthropology. Formerly she worked as primate keeper at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa Florida, spent time working for the Jane Goodall Institute in Burundi, Africa and finally as a wildlife technician for the US Forest Service before arriving at CDFW.


Key: P - Peer Reviewed Publication, , T - Thesis, PE - Peer Edited Publications, B - Book Chapters, G - Popular Articles and Government reports

Field Staff

  • Todd Calfee
  • Vicki Davis
  • Elsbeth Otto
  • Liz Siemion
  • Sonya Maple
  • Trevor Johnson
  • Marisa Christopher
  • Sydney Lezberg
  • Alyssa Marquez

Inland Deserts Region (Region 6)
Regional Manager: Heidi Calvert
3602 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite C-220
Ontario, CA 91764