Accordion side navigation Bighorn Sheep Desert Bighorn Sheep Overview Natural History Monitoring Efforts How to see a Desert Bighorn How You Can Help Scientific Literature & Works Cited Contact Program Peninsular Desert Bighorn Sheep Overview Range and Habitat Bighorn Behavior Recovery and Conservation Photos Selected Program Literature Program Staff Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Overview Natural History Disease Risk Recovery Program Yosemite Bighorn Sequoia Kings Bighorn Migrating Mural See also: Bighorn Sheep Hunting Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program - Staff Staff Profiles Program Leader - Dr. Tom Stephenson Bio in Brief Tom is a Senior Environmental Scientist with CDFW. He is the program leader for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program and the wildlife supervisor for the northern portion of CDFW's Inland Deserts Region. Prior to becoming the program leader, he was the bighorn sheep biologist for the Recovery Program. Tom is also an affiliate assistant professor with the University of Montana and Idaho State University. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in wildlife biology from Colorado State University, Virginia Tech , and the University of Idaho, respectively. He was formerly a research wildlife biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife and director of the Kenai Moose Research Center, as well as an affiliate assistant professor with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Publications Key: P - Peer Reviewed Publication, D - Dissertation, PE - Peer Edited Publications, B - Book Chapters P - Rankins, S. T., T. R. Stephenson, and K. L. Monteith. 2024. Sociality modulates nutritional carrying capacity of an endangered species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.3389/fevo.2024.1417970. P - Levine, R. L., R. A. Smiley, B. R. Jesmer, B. A. Oates, J. R. Goheen, T. R. Stephenson, M. J. Kauffman, G. L. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. 2022. Extending body condition and scoring beyond measureable rump fat to estimate full range of nutritional condition for moose. Alces 58:91-99. P - Massing, C. P., D. W. German, and T. R. Stephenson. 2024. Morphologic differences in bighorn populations of California. The Southwestern Naturalist 67:263-273. P - John, C., T. Avgar, K. Rittger, J. A. Smith, L. W. Stephenson, T. R. Stephenson, and E. Post. 2024. Pursuit and escape drive fine-scale movement variation during migration in a temperate alpine ungulate. Scientific Reports Nature Portfolio 14:1-11. P - Denryter, K., T. R. Stephenson, and K. L. Monteith. 2024. Migratory behaviours are risk-sensitive to physiological state in an elevational migrant. Conservation Physiology 12:1-12. P - Levine, R. L., R. A. Smiley, B. R. Jesmer, B. A. Oates, J. R. Goheen, T. R. Stephenson. M. J. Kauffman, G. L. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. 2023. Extending body condition scoring beyond measurable rump fat to estimate full range of nutritional condition for moose. Alces 58:91-99. P - Flesch, E. P., T. A. Graves, J. M. Thomson, K. M. Proffitt, P. J. White, T. R. Stephenson, R. A. Garrott. 2020. Evaluating wildlife translocations using genomics: A bighorn sheep case study (PDF). Ecology and Evolution 2020: 13687-13704. P - Denryter, K., T. R. Stephenson, K. L. Monteith. 2021. Broadening the migratory portfolio of altitudinal migrants (PDF). Ecology 102:1-4. P - Anderson, K., M. L. Cahn, T. R. Stephenson, A. P. Few, B. E. Hatfield, D. W. German, J. Weissman, B. Croft. 2022. Cost distance models to predict contact between bighorn sheep and domestic sheep. Wildlife Society Bulletin 1329:1-22. P - Denryter, K., M. M. Conner, T. R. Stephenson, D. W. German, K. L. Monteith. 2022. Survival of the fattest: How body fat and migration influence survival in highly seasonal environments (PDF). Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14151. P - Berger, D. J., D. W. German, C. John, R. Hart, T. R. Stephenson. 2022. Seeing is be-leaving: Perception informs migratory decisions in Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) (PDF). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:1-20. P - Denryter, K. D. W. German, T. R. Stephenson, K. L. Monteith. 2020. State- and context-dependent applications of an energetics model in free-ranging bighorn sheep. Ecological Modelling 440:109349. P - Stephenson, T. R. , D. W. German, E. F. Cassirer, D. P. Walsh, M. E. Blum, M. Cox, K. M. Stewart, K. L. Monteith. 2020. Linking population performance to nutritional condition in an alpine ungulate. Journal of Mammalogy 101:1244-1256. P - Conner, M. M., T. R. Stephenson, D. W. German, K. L. Monteith, A. P. Few., E. H. Blair. 2018. Survival analysis: Informing recovery of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1442-1458. P - Spitz, D., M. Hebblewhite, T. R. Stephenson and D. W. German. 2018. How plastic is migratory behavior? Quantifying elevational movement in a partially migratory alpine ungulate, the Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) (PDF). Canadian Journal of Zoology 96:1385-1394. P - Spitz, D. B., M. Hebblewhite, and T. R. Stephenson. 2017. ‘MigrateR’: extending model-driven methods for classifying and quantifying animal movement behavior (PDF). Ecography 40:788-799. P - Monteith, K.L, T.R. Stephenson, , V. B. Bleich, Mary M. Conner, B.M. Pierce, and R. Terry Bowyer. Risk-sensitive allocation in seasonal dynamics of fat and protein reserves in a long-lived mammal (PDF) 2013. Journal of Animal Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12016. P - Johnson, H. E., M.H. Hebblewhite, T.R. Stephenson, D.W. German, B.M. Pierce, V. B. Bleich. valuating apparent competition in limiting the recovery of an endangered ungulate (PDDF). Oecologia. 171(1):295-307. doi: 10.1007/s00442-012-2397-6. Jan. 2013. P - Cahn, M. L., M. M. Connor, O. J. Schmitz, T. R. Stephenson, J. D. Wehausen and H. E. Johnson. Disease, Population Viability, and Recovery of Endangered Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (PDF). The Journal of Wildlife Management 75(8):1753–1766; 2011; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.232. The Wildlife Society; 11/2011. P - Johnson, H. E., L. S. Mills, J. D. Wehausen, T. R. Stephenson and G. Luikart. 2011. Translating Effects of Inbreeding Depression on Component Vital Rates to Overall Population Growth in Endangered Bighorn Sheep (PDF). Conservation Biology, Volume 25, No. 6, 1240–1249. 2011 P - Monteith, K.L, V.C. Bleich, T. R. Stephenson, Becky M. Pierce, Mary M. Conner, Robert W. Klaver, and R. Terry Bowyer. 2011. Timing of seasonal migration in mule deer: effects of climate, plant phenology, and life-history characteristics Ecosphere, Volume 2(4) v Article 47. 4/2011 P - Schroeder, C. A., R. T. Bowyer, V. C. Bleich, and T. R. Stephenson. 2010. Sexual segregation in Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep, Ovis Canadensis sierrae: ramifications for conservation (PDF) Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 42: p 476-489. P - Johnson, H. E., L. S. Mills, J. D. Wehausen, and T. R. Stephenson. 2010. Combining ground count, telemetry, and mark-resight data to infer population dynamics in an endangered species (PDF) Journal of Applied Ecology 47:1083-1093. P - Johnson, H. E., L. S. Mills, T. R. Stephenson, and J. D. Wehausen. 2010. Population-specific vital rate contributions influence management of an endangered ungulate (PDF) Ecological Applications 20:1753-1765. P - Clifford, D. L., B. A. Schumaker, T. R. Stephenson, V. C. Bleich, M. L. Cahn, B. J. Gonzales, W. M. Boyce, and J. A. K. Mazet. Assessing risk of disease transmission at the wildlife-livestock interface: a study of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (PDF) Biological Conservation. 2009, 42: 2559-2568. P - Cook, R. C., J. G. Cook, T.R.Stephenson, W.L. Myers, S.M. McCorquodale, D.J. Vales, L.L Irwin, P.B. Hall, R.D. Spencer, S.L. Murphie, K.A. Shoenecker and P.J. Miller Revisions of rump fat and body scoring indices for deer, elk, and moose (PDF) Journal of Wildlife Management 74(4):880–896; 2010; DOI: 10.2193/2009-031. P - Bishop, C. J., G. C. White, D. J. Freddy, B. E. Watkins, and T. R. Stephenson. 2009. Effect of enhanced nutrition on mule deer population rate of change (PDF) Wildlife Monographs 172:1-28. P - Haskell, S. P., W. B. Ballard, D. A. Butler, M. C. Wallace, T. R. Stephenson, O. J. Alcumbrac, and M. H. Humphrey. 2008. Factors affecting birth dates of sympatric deer in west-central Texas (PDF) Journal of Mammalogy 89:448-458. P - Villepique, J.T., V.C. Bleich, B.M. Pierce, R.A. Botta, T.R. Stephenson, and R.T. Bowyer. 2008. Evaluating GPS collar error: a critical evaluation of Televilt POSREC-Science™ collars and a method for screening location data (PDF)California Fish and Game 94:155-168. P - Cook, R. C., T. R. Stephenson, W. L. Myers, J. G. Cook, and L. A. Shipley. 2007. Validating predictive models of nutritional condition for mule deer (PDF) Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1934-1943. P - Bishop, C. J., D. J. Freddy, G. C. White, B. E. Watkins, T. R. Stephenson, and L. L. Wolfe. 2007. Using vaginal implant transmitters to aid in capture of mule deer neonates (PDF) Journal of Wildlife Management 71:945-954. P - Bleich, V. C., T. R. Stephenson, B. M. Pierce, and M. J. Warner. 2007. Body condition of radio-collared mule deer while injured and following recovery (PDF) Southwestern Naturalist 52:164-167. P - McNay, M. E., T. R. Stephenson, and B. W. Dale. 2006. Diagnosing pregnancy, in utero litter size, and fetal growth with ultrasound in wild, free-ranging wolves (PDF) Journal of Mammalogy 87:85-92. P - Stephenson, T. R., V. Van Ballenberghe, J. M. Peek, and J. G. MacCracken. 2006. Spatio-temporal constraints on moose habitat in coastal Alaska: vegetation succession and climate (PDF) Rangeland Ecology and Management. 59:359-372. P - Parker, K. L., P. S. Barboza, and T. R. Stephenson. 2005. Protein conservation in female caribou (Rangifer tarandus): effects of decreasing diet quality during winter (PDF) Journal of Mammalogy 86:610-622. PE -Bleich, V. C., J. T. Villepique, T. R. Stephenson, B. M. Pierce, and G. M. Kutliyev. 2005. Efficacy of aerial telemetry as an aid to capture specific individuals: a comparison of two techniques (PDF) Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:332-336. B - Bleich, V. C., J. G. Kie, E. R. Loft, T. R. Stephenson, M. W. Oehler, and A. L. Medina. 2005. Managing rangelands for wildlife. In C. Braun, ed. Research and management techniques for wildlife and habitats. Sixth ed., rev. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, MD. P - Spaeth, D. F., R. T. Bowyer, T. R. Stephenson, and P. S. Barboza. 2004. Wildlife Biology 10:59-67. P - Krausman, P. R., V. C. Bleich, J. W. Cain, T. R. Stephenson, D. W. DeYoung, P. W. McGrath, P. K. Swift, B. M. Pierce, and B. D. Jansen. 2004. Neck lesions in ungulates from collars incorporating satellite technology (PDF) Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:987-991. P - Bleich, V. C., T. R. Stephenson, N. J. Holste, I. C. Snyder, J. P. Marshal, P. W. McGrath, and B. M. Pierce. 2003. Effects of tooth extraction on body condition and reproduction of mule deer (PDF) Wildl. Soc. Bull. 31:233-236. P - Spaeth, D. F., R. T. Bowyer, T. R. Stephenson, P. S. Barboza, and V. Van Ballenberghe. 2002. Nutritional quality of willows for moose: effects of twig age and diameter (PDF) Alces 38:143-154. PE -Swift, P.K., V. C. Bleich, T. R. Stephenson, A. E. Adams, B. J. Gonzales, B. M. Pierce, and J. P. Marshal. 2002. Tooth extraction from live-captured mule deer in the absence of chemical immobilization (PDF) Wildl. Soc. Bull. 30:253-255. P - Stephenson, T. R., V. C. Bleich, B. M. Pierce, and G. Mulcahy. 2002. Validation of mule deer body composition using in vivo and post-mortem indices of nutritional condition (PDF) Wildl. Soc. Bull. 30:557-564. P - Jenkins, S. G., S. T. Partridge, T. R. Stephenson, S. D. Farley, C. T. Robbins. 2001. Nitrogen and carbon isotope fractionation between mothers, neonates, and nursing offspring (PDF) Oecologia 129:336-341. P - Stephenson, T. R., K. J. Hundertmark, J. A. Crouse, and M. A. Keech. 2001. Vitamin E, selenium, and reproductive losses in Alaskan moose (PDF) Alces 37:201-206. P - Spaeth, D. F., K. J. Hundertmark, R. T. Bowyer, P. S. Barboza, T. R. Stephenson, and R. O. Peterson. 2001. Incisor arcades of Alaskan moose: is dimorphism related to sexual segregation (PDF) Alces 37:217-226. P - Keech, M. A., R. T. Bowyer, J. M. Ver Hoef, R. D. Boertje, B. W. Dale, and T. R. Stephenson. 2000. Life-history consequences of maternal condition in Alaskan moose (PDF) J. Wildl. Manage. 64:450-462. P - Huang, F., D. C. Cockrell, T. R. Stephenson, J. H. Noyes, R. G. Sasser. 2000. A specific radioimmunoassay for moose and elk pregnancy-specific protein B in serum (PDF) J. Wildl. Manage. 64:492-499. P - Huang, F., D. C. Cockrell, T. R. Stephenson, J. H. Noyes, and R. G. Sasser. 1999. Isolation, purification, and characterization of pregnancy-specific protein B from elk and moose placenta (PDF) Biol. Reprod. 61:1056-1061. P - Stephenson, T. R., V. Van Ballenberghe, and J. M. Peek. 1998. Response of moose forages to mechanical cutting on the Copper River Delta, Alaska (PDF) Alces 34:479-494. P - Stephenson, T. R., K. J. Hundertmark, C. C. Schwartz, and V. Van Ballenberghe. 1998. Predicting body fat and body mass in moose with ultrasonography (PDF) Can. J. Zool. 76:717-722. P - Keech, M. A., T. R. Stephenson, R. T. Bowyer, V. Van Ballenberghe, and J. M. Ver Hoef. 1998. Relationships between blood-serum and depth of rump fat in Alaskan moose (PDF) Alces 34:173-179. P - Rodgers, A. R., S. M. Tomkiewicz, E. J. Lawson, T. R. Stephenson, K. J. Hundertmark, P. J. Wilson, B. N. White, and R. S. Rempel. 1998. New technology for moose management: a workshop (PDF) Alces 34:239-244. P - Shochat, E., C. T. Robbins, S. M. Parish, P. B. Young, T. R. Stephenson, and A. Tamayo. 1997. Nutritional investigations and management of captive moose (PDF) Zoo Biol. 16:479-494. P - Schwartz, C. C., T. R. Stephenson, and K. J. Hundertmark. 1997. Xylazine immobilization of moose with yohimbine or tolazoline as an antagonist: a comparison to carfentanil and Naltrexone (PDF) Alces 33:33-42. P - Stephenson, T. R., M. R. Vaughan, and D. E. Andersen. 1996. Mule deer movements in response to military activity in southeast Colorado (PDF) J. Wildl. Manage. 60:777-787. P - Stephenson, T. R., J. W. Testa, G. P. Adams, R. G. Sasser, C. C. Schwartz, and K. J. Hundertmark. 1995. Diagnosis of pregnancy and twinning in moose by ultrasonography and serum assay (PDF) Alces 31:167-172. P - Stephenson, T. R., and V. Van Ballenberghe. 1995. Wolf, Canis lupus, predation on Dusky Canada Geese, Branta canadensis occidentalis. Can. Field-Nat. 109:253-255. P - Stephenson, T. R., and V. Van Ballenberghe. 1995. Defense of one twin calf against wolves, Canis lupus, by a female moose, Alces alces. Can. Field-Nat. 109:251-253. P - MacCracken, J. G., T. R. Stephenson, and V. Van Ballenberghe. 1994. Peculiar antler cast by moose on the Copper River Delta, Alaska (PDF) Alces 30:13-19. P - Stephenson, T. R., K. J. Hundertmark, C. C. Schwartz, and V. Van Ballenberghe. 1993. Ultrasonic fat measurement of captive yearling bull moose (PDF) Alces 29:115-123. P - Stephenson, T. R. 1988. Mammalian prey selection by a captive bobcat (PDF) Southwest. Nat. 33:104-105. P - Stephenson, T. R., J. M. Peek, J. G. MacCracken, and V. Van Ballenberghe Spatio-Temporal Constraints on Moose Habitat and Carrying Capacity in Coastal Alaska: Vegetation Succession and Climate (PDF), Rangeland Ecology & Management, pp. 359-372. Bighorn Biologist - Lacey Greene Bio in Brief Lacey is an Environmental Scientist with CDFW. She serves as a bighorn sheep biologist for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program. Her duties include analyzing environmental impacts of conservation activities, leading field crews, performing population surveys, conducting ground and aerial monitoring of radio-collared animals, analyzing data, and completing habitat assessments. Publications Key: P - Peer Reviewed Publication, , T - Thesis, PE - Peer Edited Publications, B - Book Chapters, G - Popular Articles and Government reports P - Greene, L., E. Otto, and C. McCreedy. 2021. Owens Valley nesting willow flycatcher under pressure. California Fish and Wildlife CESA Issue 2021:286-297. P - Greene, L., M. Hebblewhite, and T. R. Stephenson. 2012. Short-term vegetation response to wildfire in the eastern Sierra Nevada: Implications for recovering an endangered ungulate (PDF). Journal of Arid Environments 87:118-128. T - Greene, L. 2010. Short-term effects of wildfire on Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep habitat ecology (PDF) Thesis, University of Montana. Staff Biologist - Cody Massing Bio in Brief Cody is an Environmental Scientist with CDFW. She has been working on the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program since 2012. Before joining the SNBSRP, Cody worked with pikas in the Eastern Sierra and northern California, and studied their relationship with climate change for her Masters work at Cal Poly University. Cody has worked with a variety of species, including Olympic marmots, chacma baboons, western gray squirrels, American avocets, giant garter snakes, and gray whales. Publications Key: P - Peer Reviewed Publication, , T - Thesis, PE - Peer Edited Publications, B - Book Chapters, G - Popular Articles and Government reports P - Massing, C. P., D. W. German, and T. R. Stephenson. 2024. Morphologic differences in bighorn populations of California. The Southwestern Naturalist 67:263-273. P - Wagler, B. L., R. A. Smiley, A. B. Courtemanch, G. Anderson, D. Lutz, D. McWhirter, D. Brimeyer, P. Hnilicka, C. P. Massing, D. W. German, T. R. Stephenson, K. L. Monteith. 2022. Effects of helicopter net-gunning on survival of bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 10:1-18. P - Stewart, J. A. E., J. D. Perrine, L. B. Nichols, J. H. Thorne, C. I. Millar, K. E. Goehrig, C. P. Massing, and D. H. Wright. 2015. Revisiting the past to foretell the future: summer temperature and habitat area predict pika extirpations in California. Journal of Biogeography 42:880-890. T - Massing, C. P. 2012. American pika (Ochotona princeps): persistence and activity patterns in a changing climate. M.S. thesis. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, USA. Predator Biologist - Phil Johnston Bio in Brief Phil is an Environmental Scientist with CDFW. He has been working with the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program, focused on mountain lion research, since 2021. Before joining the SNBSRP, Phil spent 6 years working as a mountain lion and fisher biologist for the Hoopa Tribe in northern California. Phil grew up in California and got his Bachelor's degree in wildlife management and conservation from Humboldt State University. Research Analyst - David German Bio in Brief David is a Research Analyst with CDFW. He has worked for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program for the last 16 years. Prior to working for CDFW, he worked as an engineer with National Steel and Shipbuilding in San Diego. Previous to that, David was the proverbial "rocket scientist" working on the Space Shuttle Main Engine for 10 years with Rocketdyne Division of Boeing. David is also an associate professor with the Cerro Coso Community College and University of Phoenix, teaching online classes in business and database design. He received a B.E. in Chemical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, an M.B.A. in Management from California Lutheran University, a Masters of Applied Statistics from Colorado State University, and an M.S. in Computer Science from University of Phoenix. Database Development Projects Rocket Engine Performance Data Analysis Database Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Demographic / GIS Database Round Valley Deer Demographic / GIS Database CDFW Lands Program Tracking, Monitoring, Surveying Database Productivity Enhancement Lessons Learned Database Eastern Sierra Watershed Project Database Legal Licensing Agreement Database Chemical Tracking Database for Hazmat / MSDS Materials Water Flow / Monitoring Database Water Quality Database with upload interface to EPA STORET Medical Records Database Publications P - Massing, C. P., D. W. German, and T. R. Stephenson. 2024. Morphologic differences in bighorn populations of California. The Southwestern Naturalist 67:263-273. P - Anderson, K., M. L. Cahn, T. R. Stephenson, A. P. Few, B. E. Hatfield, D. W. German, J. Weissman, B. Croft. Cost distance models to predict contact between bighorn sheep and domestic sheep. 2022. Wildlife Society Bulletin 1329:1-22. P - Denryter, K., M. M. Conner, T. R. Stephenson, D. W. German, K. L. Monteith. 2022. Survival of the fattest: How body fat and migration influence survival in highly seasonal environments (PDF). Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14151. P - Berger, D. J., D. W. German, C. John, R. Hart, T. R. Stephenson. 2022. Seeing is be-leaving: Perception informs migratory decisions in Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) (PDF). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:1-20. P - Wagler, B. L., R. A. Smiley, A. B. Courtemanch, G. Anderson, D. Lutz, D. McWhirter, D. Brimeyer, P. Hnilicka, C. P. Massing, D. W. German, T. R. Stephenson, K. L. Monteith. 2022. Effects of helicopter net-gunning on survival of bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 10:1-18. P - Denryter, K. D. W. German, Stephenson, T. R., K. L. Monteith. 2020. State- and context-dependent applications of an energetics model in free-ranging bighorn sheep. Ecological Modelling 440:109349. P - Stephenson, T. R. , D. W. German, E. F. Cassirer, D. P. Walsh, M. E. Blum, M. Cox, K. M. Stewart, K. L. Monteith. 2020. Linking population performance to nutritional condition in an alpine ungulate. Journal of Mammalogy 101:1244-1256. P - Conner, M. M., T. R. Stephenson, D. W. German, K. L. Monteith, A. P. Few., E. H. Blair. 2018. Survival analysis: Informing recovery of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1442-1458. P - Spitz, D., M. Hebblewhite, T. R. Stephenson and D. W. German. 2018. How plastic is migratory behavior? Quantifying elevational movement in a partially migratory alpine ungulate, the Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) (PDF). Canadian Journal of Zoology 96:1385-1394. Research Analyst - Kathleen Anderson Bio in Brief Kathleen works as a Research Analyst (GIS) for CDFW. She began her work with the Department in 2006 as a scientific aid in the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program. Although she participated in much of the field work she also took an active role in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis for the program. That role eventually led to a permanent position which includes a range of GIS work and field work. Kathleen graduated from University of California at Santa Barbara with a degree in physical anthropology. Formerly she worked as primate keeper at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa Florida, spent time working for the Jane Goodall Institute in Burundi, Africa and finally as a wildlife technician for the US Forest Service before arriving at CDFW. Publications Key: P - Peer Reviewed Publication, , T - Thesis, PE - Peer Edited Publications, B - Book Chapters, G - Popular Articles and Government reports P - Anderson, K., M. L. Cahn, T. R. Stephenson, A. P. Few, B. E. Hatfield, D. W. German, J. Weissman, B. Croft. Cost distance models to predict contact between bighorn sheep and domestic sheep. 2022. Wildlife Society Bulletin 1329:1-22. R - Few, A.P., Anderson, K., German, D. W., Wehausen, J. D., and Stephenson, T. R. 2015 Translocation Plan for Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep: A Focus on Strategic Planning (PDF). California Department of Fish and Wildlife. March, 2015. R - Klinger, R. C., Few, A.P., Anderson, K., Hatfield, B. E., Clark, J,, German, D. W., and Stephenson, T. R. Evaluating Potential Overlap Between Pack Stock and Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, California (PDF). United States Geology Survey Report 2015-1101, 2015. R - Few, A.P., German, D. W., Hatfield, B. E., Anderson, K., Spitz, D., Wehausen, J. D. , and Stephenson, T. R. 2014 Addendum to the Translocation Plan for SNBS (PDF). California Department of Fish and Wildlife. March, 2014. Field Staff Todd Calfee Vicki Davis Elsbeth Otto Liz Siemion Sonya Maple Trevor Johnson Marisa Christopher Sydney Lezberg Alyssa Marquez