Lake and Streambed Alteration Program

mountain stream
Fish Swimming
fish close up
Foothill yellow-legged frog
Desert wash

EPIMS Update

We are excited to announce a new user interface for EPIMS (PDF) coming September 23, 2024. The current EPIMS website will undergo a system upgrade and will be offline/unavailable September 11, 2024, through September 22, 2024. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to improve our system for your benefit.

Fish and Game Code section 1602Fish and Game Code section 1602(opens in new tab) requires any person, state or local governmental agency, or public utility to notify CDFW prior to beginning any activity that may do one or more of the following:

  • Divert or obstruct the natural flow of any river, stream, or lake;
  • Change the bed, channel, or bank of any river, stream, or lake;
  • Use material from any river, stream, or lake; or
  • Deposit or dispose of material into any river, stream, or lake.

Please note that "any river, stream, or lake" includes those that are dry for periods of time as well as those that flow year round. If you are not certain a particular activity requires notification, CDFW recommends you notify.

CDFW requires a Lake or Streambed Alteration (LSA) Agreement when a project activity may substantially adversely affect fish and wildlife resources.

Notice Concerning Emergency Actions in Streams, Lakes, and Rivers

Advance notification is not required for emergency work in streams, lakes, and rivers carried out pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 1610. Typical emergency projects have been immediate actions during or immediately after an emergency to repair, in kind, a structure or facility, or to remove debris. Individuals must notify CDFW in writing within 14 days after beginning the emergency work.

Notify Online

Online notification through the Environmental Permit Information Management System (EPIMS) is currently available for the following:

Visit the EPIMS webpage for more information on submitting a notification through the EPIMS Permitting Portal or if you need to contact our EPIMS Help Desk.

Please Note - Only Permits submitted through EPIMS may request Amendments or Extension through Permitting Portal. Any paper Agreements may request Amendments or Extension through EPIMS Document Repository.

Notify by PDF

EPIMS Document Repositories allow submission of the following paper forms (i.e., PDF) when complete:

  • Amendment and extension requests for pre-EPIMS LSA agreements
  • California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit (ITP) applications
  • Amendment and extension requests for ITPs
  • CESA Consistency Determination (CD) requests
  • Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Act (HREA) documents
  • Statutory Exemption for Restoration Projects (SERP) Concurrence requests

Applicants may also include supplemental document (i.e., plans, diagrams, maps, photos, studies) and a copy of their Online License Sales and Services receipt if paid online.

Document Repositories available in EPIMS when submitting paper forms:

  • Document Repository - LSA Amendments & Extensions and CESA ITPs
  • Document Repository - HREA, CESA CDs, SERP and WJTCA ITPs

Send the appropriate fee(s) to the CDFW Regional Office that serves the county where the project is located.


CDFW is not required to determine whether an LSA notification is complete or otherwise begin processing the notification until the correct CDFW regional office has received the notification and correct notification fee.

Pay by Credit Card

Pay by Check/Money Order

NOTE: If paying the LSA fee online, the credit card transaction will include a 5% handling fee that is not refundable.


Cannabis cultivators applying for an Annual License from the Department of Cannabis Control must have an LSA Agreement or written verification that one is not needed.


Technical Resources

Informational Resources

For project and site specific LSA questions, contact the CDFW Region where the project is located.

Email the LSA Program Headquarters

Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090