Environmental Permit Information Management System

EPIMS Overview

The Environmental Permit Information Management System (EPIMS) is a user account and password protected computer system developed by CDFW for environmental review and permitting projects. EPIMS contains a Permitting Portal and a Document Repository to facilitate electronic submittal of CDFW environmental permit applications.

Permitting Portal

The Permitting Portal is currently available to all LSA notification types excluding Master Agreements for Timber Operations.

LSA notifications that must be submitted using the Permitting Portal:

LSA Notifications that may be submitted using Permitting Portal:

CDFW encourages applicants to submit all fee payments through Online License Sales and Service(opens in new tab).

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CDFW is not required to determine whether an LSA notification is complete or otherwise begin processing the notification until the correct CDFW regional office has received the notification and correct notification fee.

Pay by Credit Card

NOTE: If paying the LSA fee online, the credit card transaction will include a 5% handling fee that is not refundable.

Document Repository

The Document Repository allows electronic submittal of the following Portable Document Format (PDF) forms:

  • Amendments and Extension requests for hard copy/ “paper” LSA agreements that were not issued using EPIMS
  • CESA ITP, CD, and SERP Concurrence request applications
  • HREA requests

CDFW accepts electronic signatures on applications, notifications, agreements, permits, authorizations, and other documents. Acceptable forms of electronic signature include:

  • Digital signature software that complies with Government Code section 16.5. (e.g., DocuSign for any document).
  • Scanned copies of original wet signature documents of (e.g., PDF format). Original documents must available upon request.

CDFW encourages applicants to submit all fee payments through Online License Sales and Service

Have questions about EPIMS or need HELP?

EPIMS Video Tutorials

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Contact / Help

Need EPIMS help?

Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090