California Endangered Species Act - Accidental Take

What is Accidental Take?

Take of endangered, threatened or candidate species is prohibited by the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). However, an exemption for accidental take applies to farmers, ranchers, and their employees as long as:

  • It occurs in the course of a lawful routine and ongoing agricultural activity,
  • The activity is performed by a farmer, rancher, or someone employed or contracted by one,
  • The take is accidental,
  • The take is reported to CDFW within 10 days of occurrence.

Please see Fish and G. Code section 2087 and Title 14, section 786,1 of the California Code of Regulations for details.

Reporting requirements

To report a threatened, endangered, or candidate species mortality or injury please email We recommend including the following information (if available):

  • Kind of animal or plant impacted (use best guess)
  • Description of injury or damage
  • Cause of the damage (if known)
  • Photos of the injured/dead individual (if available)
  • County in which the incident occurred.


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Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090