Bay Delta Classroom Aquarium Education Program: Teacher Resources

Fish Care

These resources are provided so that your Trout in the Classroom program runs smoothly and your students can enjoy their fishy friends.

How to Apply to Receive Eggs

If you have raised trout with us before, and are still certified in the program, you must apply to raise eggs each year by completing an online 772 Application Form (Authorization to Transport and Rear Eggs and Fish). Your application is due by December 15. Completion of our teacher training workshop is a prerequisite for applying for eggs. If you are a new teacher just joining the program, you will submit your application after attending the training workshop in January or February.

Beginning in the 2023/24 school year, the Bay-Delta Region will only accept online applications for eggs - we will no longer process "paper" or PDF applications. This new system simplifies the process for both the teacher and CDFW staff. However, it is a new process and there are likely to be some bugs still to work out. Be patient and let us know if you run into any issues.

Online Application for Eggs

Complete all sections and select a release location from the approved list.

After submitting your application, we suggest you check the Online Application and Permit List(opens in new tab) to see if your application was processed and approved.


Refer to the statewide CAEP Curriculum Aids.

Frequently Asked Questions

I submitted my application, how can I check to see if it has been approved?

Great question! We keep an updated list on the CAEP blog. You should bookmark this page as you will want to look here at the end of the season to check the status of your returned permit.

I am not sure if I will be able or even want to hatch eggs this year - what should I do?

Go ahead and apply for eggs. Once you are approved, you can always cancel up to the day eggs are delivered.

Where can I see the new digital teaching tools created for this program?

A digital "book" with most of the tools is posted online. It is updated regularly so check back.

I have created some cool new digital material – is there a way I can share with other teachers?

GREAT! We love this kind of stuff. Write a note to and we can help.

What do I need to do to get eggs again this year?

This is easy - every year you need to apply for a new permit. The Application Form 772 has changed a bit this year. Complete this form and your sponsor or CDFW will connect with you soon.

I can’t remember who my sponsor is or if I even have one – what do I do?

Almost all teachers in the Bay Area program have a sponsor who is active in supporting the classroom project. Check your permit from last year and you will find the name of your sponsor (the organization) and your coach (the individual). If you can’t find this, contact and we will look it up for you.

I already took the training, do I need to do it again?

Teachers are always welcome to attend a training workshop as a refresher (usually at no cost), however, this is not required. As long as you have hatched fish within the past 3 years and complied with all the terms of your permit (including returning it at the end of the season) you do not need to be retrained. If you have not participated in CAEP in 3 years or more, you will need to recertify this year.

When should I plan on the eggs arriving and releasing the fish?

Rainbow Trout eggs are tentatively scheduled for delivery the week immediately following the Presidents Holiday in February. We recommend release 4-5 weeks after hatch and you must release no longer than 8 weeks after the delivery date.

See steelhead eggs pick-up dates from Warm Springs Hatchery. We recommend release 4-5 weeks afterwards and you must release no longer than 8 weeks after delivery.

Why do some teachers hatch rainbow trout and other teachers hatch steelhead trout?

We are fortunate in the Bay Area to be able to provide steelhead and rainbow trout eggs to schools, depending on where the school is located. It is important to remember that all teachers in the Bay Area hatch trout – steelhead are anadromous and go the ocean while rainbow are the same fish but remain in lakes.

Teachers in Sonoma and Mendocino Counties receive a strain of locally spawned steelhead that can be released into local streams (but NOT lakes).

Teachers in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara County are given a strain of steelhead eggs from the San Lorenzo River system and these fish must ONLY be released into this watershed (thus the reason Santa Clara teachers must haul their eggs over the hill and are not able to release locally).

Teachers in most of the Bay Area receive a common strain of rainbow trout that can be released into most (but not all) lakes. These fish CANNOT be released into local streams.

All fish much be released in accordance with your 772 permit – there are no exceptions. 

I have a co-worker who wants to be in the program – what should I do?

Some of the training workshops for this year are already full but there are some spaces open in select areas. For more information, see:

I love the program and want to do more with my students; where can I find new ideas and resources?

There are tons of great materials, curriculum, lists of books and other resources available for you on our Curriculum Aids page and on the Trout in the Classroom Blog.

I never received a copy of the “WILD About Trout” multi-media shows – can I get a copy?

Absolutely! The 5 slideshows are available in English and Spanish, are correlated to standards, connected to the posters you should have received, and are available to you at no cost. Just ask your sponsor or contact

I really appreciate the help of my sponsor and coach – is there something I can do to thank them?

Coaches provide valuable support – helping with the permitting, delivering eggs, setting up the aquarium, talking to your students, troubleshooting problems and so much more. They do this because they want to share their love of streams and fish with your students. In general, they love getting letters and cards from students. You may want to ask if you can attend a club meeting to share your class’ experience hatching fish.

I returned my permit, how do I find out if it was received?

Great question! We keep an updated list on the CAEP blog. You should bookmark this page as you will want to look here at the end of the season to check the status of your application next year.

Sport Fish Restoration

Bay Delta Region (Region 3)
Regional Manager: Erin Chappell
Main Office: 2825 Cordelia Road, Suite 100, Fairfield, CA 94534 | (707) 428-2002
Stockton Office: 2109 Arch Airport Rd, Stockton, CA 95206 | (209) 234-3420
Email the Bay Delta Region | Program Contacts