Serving Alameda, Contra Costa, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Yolo and Sonoma counties. We also coordinate in Humboldt and Del Norte counties.
Whether you are teaching in your classroom full-time, on a hybrid system, or involved in distance learning full time, we are here to help and will ensure you and your students have the opportunity to hatch fish in the coming year.
Here are a few things being created for you!
- An academic year 2024/25 wall calendar focusing on California watersheds (will be mailed out in July 2024)
- New content for classroom learning on platforms such as Flip, BookCreator, YouTube, JamBoard and more.
- New videos to assist you set up your tank
- On-line teacher training of teachers new to the program
The Classroom Aquarium Education Program (CAEP - also known as Trout-in the Classroom and Steelhead in the Classroom) is a community-based program which allows students to experience first hand the delicate balance needed for animals to survive in aquatic ecosystems. Using eggs provided by a hatchery, classes set-up and maintain an aquarium for the purpose of observing the development of fish from the eyed-egg stage until they become young fry. Students engage in course of study which supports the learning experience across curriculum area. This program is run cooperatively by local schools, fishing clubs and government agencies.
Program Objectives
- Provide a positive learning program for classrooms on the value of aquatic ecosystems through the hatching and release of trout.
- Help students learn about their local watershed and how human activities affect the quality of water in local streams, lakes and the bay.
- Provide support to teachers to enable them to participate in this learning experience.
- Fulfill the goals and objectives of each partner.
Successful completion of an approved training program is required to participate in this program.