Bay Delta Classroom Aquarium Education Program: Parameters for Partners


The Classroom Aquarium Education Program (CAEP) is a community-based program which allows students to experience first hand the delicate balance needed for animals to survive in aquatic ecosystems. Using eggs provided by a hatchery, classes set-up and maintain an aquarium for the purpose of observing the development of fish from the eyed-egg stage until they become young fry. Students engage in course of study which supports the leaning experience across curriculum area. This program is run cooperatively by local schools, fishing clubs and government agencies.


  • Provide a positive learning program for classrooms on the value of aquatic ecosystems through the hatching and release of trout.
  • Help students learn about their local watershed and how human activities affect the quality of water in local streams, lakes and the San Francisco Bay
  • Provide support to teachers to enable them to participate in this learning experience.
  • Fulfill the goals and objectives of each partner

Roles of Partners

The following parameters outline the roles partners play in development of a trout in the classroom program.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • Coordinate program
  • Provide copies of manuals and brochures
  • Provide eggs
  • Authorize release sites and provide copies of permits to qualified teachers
  • Assist in locating possible funding sources for equipment
  • Advertise training and provide resource materials
  • Operate program under guidelines set out in CDFW Operations Manual

Sponsors (e.g. Fly-fishing Clubs)

  • Assist at teacher training workshops
  • Provide in-class support to teachers (setting up aquarium, maintaining eggs and fish, troubleshooting problems)
  • Assist class with release of fry
  • Provide financial assistance to school to cover cost of equipment or provide equipment on loan
  • Pick up eggs from CDFW and deliver to schools
  • Assist teacher in completing and returning the Permit form 772.
  • Assist teacher in ensuring all stipulations of the Permit 772 are followed.
  • Complete and return other required paperwork and forms provided by CDFW


  • Attend and participate in a training to become certified
  • Apply for and follow limits of the permit form 772
  • Provide classroom space for aquarium
  • Ensure the eggs and fish are properly cared for and released according to their permit
  • Return permit as stipulated
  • Provide classroom activities related to habitat, fish and conservation to support the classroom activity of hatching the eggs
  • Complete and return other required paperwork and forms provided by CDFW

Local Park or water district

  • Complete and return other required paperwork and forms provided by CDFW
  • Co-lead (with other partners) training sessions
  • Provide naturalist to assist teachers as able
  • Provide educational resources to teachers
  • Host workshop

Coaches Resource Guide (PDF)(opens in new tab)

San Francisco Bay Area Partners

  • Alameda Creek Alliance
  • American Fisheries Society - Santa Cruz student chapter
  • Aquarium of the Bay
  • City of Belmont Parks and Recreation
  • City of Santa Cruz Water Department
  • Diablo Valley Fly Fishermen
  • East Bay Regional Park District
  • Friends of Lake Chabot (Vallejo)
  • Grizzly Peak Fly Fishers
  • Golden Gate Chapter - Trout Unlimited
  • International Federation of Fly Fishers - Northern California Council
  • Marin Municipal Water District
  • Mission Peak Fly Anglers
  • One Tam
  • Peninsula Fly Fishers
  • Redwood Empire Trout Unlimited
  • Russian River Fly Fishers
  • Russian River Wild Steelhead Society
  • San Jose Flycasters
  • Santa Clara County Parks
  • Sonoma Water
  • The Bay Institute
  • Tri-Valley Fly Fishers


Does your business, organization or fishing club want to join the team? Contact

Connect with R3 Trout in the Classroom

Sport Fish Restoration

Bay Delta Region (Region 3)
Regional Manager: Erin Chappell
Main Office: 2825 Cordelia Road, Suite 100, Fairfield, CA 94534 | (707) 428-2002
Stockton Office: 2109 Arch Airport Rd, Stockton, CA 95206 | (209) 234-3420
Email the Bay Delta Region | Program Contacts