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2022-2024 News Releases

  • June 28, 2024
A close-up photograph of a white sturgeon held aboard a boat.

The California Fish and Game Commission approved white sturgeon as a candidate species for listing under the California Endangered Species Act on June 19. The Commission found sufficient scientific evidence in a petition to determine that listing may be warranted.

Categories: FGC, Fisheries, Fishing, Marine
  • May 24, 2024
Chinook salmon being measured

With the 2024 closure of ocean salmon fisheries in California, CDFW officials are reminding anglers of important rules relating to transport of salmon taken from Oregon into California.

Categories: Fishing, Law Enforcement, Marine, Salmon
  • May 10, 2024
pelicans in rehab

CDFW has received increased reports of California brown pelicans, a federally protected species, stranded along the coast from Santa Cruz County south to San Diego County, since late April.

Categories: Marine, Wildlife Health
  • May 2, 2024
Razor clam on the beach.

CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham has closed the recreational razor clam fishery in Humboldt County following a recommendation from state health agencies determining that consumption of razor clams in the area poses a significant threat for domoic acid exposure.

Categories: Fisheries, Marine, Public Safety
  • April 5, 2024
Chinook salmon swim underwater

On April 6, 2023, the Pacific Fishery Management Council acted unanimously to recommend a full closure of California’s 2023 commercial and recreational ocean salmon seasons due to extremely low population estimates for Sacramento and Klamath river fall Chinook salmon. Within hours of the recommendation, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced his administration’s request for a federal fishery disaster declaration to support impacted communities.

Categories: Fisheries, Fishing, Marine, Salmon

Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 322-8911