Listing Status, Natural History Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Plants (PDF) Special Plants List (PDF) Native Plant Program Reports (list not comprehensive) Plant Research Reports Prepared for Section 6 Grants Showers, M. A. Seed Collection and Banking of 50 Plant Species of Critical Conservation Concern (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2010. Sloop, C. M. and D. R. Ayres. Conservation Genetics of Three Endangered Vernal Pool Plants of the Santa Rosa Plain, Sonoma County, California (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2009. Stanton, A. E. and B. M. Pavlik. Mitigation Options for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2009. Amsberry, K. and R. J. Meinke. Integrating California populations of Fritillaria gentneri into the 2003 Federal Recovery Plan for the Species (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2009. Klein, M. W. Pollinator Study on Lakeside Ceanothus (Ceanothus cyaneus) and San Diego Thorn-mint (Acanthomintha ilicifolia) (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2009. Garbelotto, M. Protection of Ione manzanita (Arctostaphylos myrtifolia) stands from Phytophthora root rot (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2009. Meinke, R. J., K. Amsberry and and R. Currin. Continuing Assessments of Recovery Requirements for Astragalus lentiginosus var. coachellae: Evaluating the Potential Effects of Disturbance, Habitat Fragmentation, and Exotic Species (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2009. Data and Survey Resources Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program (VegCAMP) California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS) Protocols for Surveying for Plants (PDF)
Science Institute Biodiversity Climate- Change Sentinel Site Network Wildlife Survey Protocols Genetics Pollinators State Wildlife Action Plan Wildfire Impacts Wildlife Connectivity Pollution and Water Quality Ecosystems Pollinators