Marine Wildlife Veterinary Care and Research Center

Two see others floating on their backs in the water

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The OSPR Marine Wildlife Veterinary Care and Research Center (MWVCRC) was constructed in 1997 as the primary care facility for sea otters affected by oil spills or other marine pollution events. In addition to maintaining the facility and protocols for oil spill response, MWVCRC staff and collaborators conduct research on southern sea otters and other marine wildlife.

MWVCRC Spill Response

Sea Otter Research

Seabird Health Program


Sea Otter Information



Laird Henkel
(831) 469-1726

Office of Spill Prevention and Response
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 375-8580 for OSPR Information

Email OSPR | Office Locations

Report Oil Spills
(800) 852-7550 or (800) OILS-911

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