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    Three Bumble Bee Atlas staff receiving award

    CDFW Photo: The Western Section Wildlife Society president Randi McCormick and Atlas staff (Sardinas, Richardson and Winkler) receiving the Conservationist of the Year award at the 2023 conference.

    Yellow faced bumble bee on a stick
    CDFW Photo: Yellow-faced bumble bee.

    Person taking a photo of a chilled bumble bee.
    CDFW Photo: Community science volunteer photographing a chilled bee at an Atlas field training.

    The California Bumble Bee Atlas (Atlas), a collaborative community science project developed to track and conserve the state’s native bumble bee species, has been awarded Conservationist of the Year by the Western Section Wildlife Society.

    The award, given to a person or group that has made an outstanding contribution to wildlife conservation in California, Nevada, Hawaii or Guam, was presented by the Western Section at its meeting earlier this year.

    “It’s an honor for the California Bumble Bee Atlas to be recognized for its contribution to conservation and a testament to the power of community science in addressing critical issues like pollinator decline,” said Hillary Sardiñas, statewide pollinator coordinator for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and one of the scientists behind the Atlas.

    CDFW was awarded funds through the competitive State Wildlife Grant Program to support the Atlas, which is led by CDFW in partnership with The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (Xerces). CDFW and Xerces staff developed a website to compile resources for volunteers, recruited and trained community scientists from around the state and are using data gathered to help identify priorities for bumble bee conservation in California.

    Bumble bees are charismatic and easily recognizable pollinators thanks to their large size and distinctive striped patterns. Bumble bees are predominantly black and yellow but can have red, orange or white coloration. They play an important role in keeping the environment healthy by pollinating flowers in natural areas and contributing to successful harvests on farms.

    Recent declines of pollinator populations have drawn attention to their importance in providing ecosystem services, including to over 30% of agricultural crops. In California, eight of the state’s 25 bumble bee species are classified as endangered or vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

    “Many bumble bee species are in a precarious position due to interacting threats, including habitat loss, climate change and disease spread. The California Bumble Bee Atlas can help track population trends to help identify species and locations for targeted conservation actions,” said Leif Richardson, Atlas lead for Xerces.

    To improve understanding of trends in bumble bee populations, Atlas staff train volunteers to collect data without harming bumble bees. Volunteers net bumble bees then chill them to take close-up photos that enable identification. The bumble bees then slowly warm up and fly away. All data and photos are uploaded to the website Bumble Bee Watch, where species are identified by expert taxonomists.

    Over 2,000 people have registered for the Atlas as volunteers. These volunteers have conducted thousands of surveys across the state and are the driving force behind the Atlas. Between 2022 and 2023, volunteers and project staff recorded 10,009 bumble bee observations.

    “The Atlas wouldn’t be possible without the support of community science volunteers, which have included a number of CDFW staff from around the state. We’re still looking for new volunteers to survey bumble bees and help contribute to this important project,” added Dylan Winkler, CDFW scientific aid for the Atlas.

    Going forward, the Atlas will have a new objective: to identify long-term monitoring sites that volunteers visit multiple times a year. This data will provide short- and long-term trends in high-priority locations that support or historically contained California’s bumble bees of greatest conservation need. All data collected from the project will help with the development of a management plan for bumble bees in California, which CDFW and Xerces hope will continue to catalyze conservation of these charismatic and important species throughout the state.

    For more information or to get involved, visit the Atlas’ website at in new tab).


    Media Contact:
    Amanda McDermott, CDFW Communications, (916) 738-9641

    Categories:   Science Spotlight

    CDFW’s existing black bear management plan was last updated in 1998 and there have been significant advancements in scientific methodologies and wildlife population modeling since then. The new conservation plan incorporates these advancements and includes contemporary scientific methods like using an integrated population model to determine population sizes and trends. Integrated population models use multiple sources of data, are robust enough to account for changes in hunting opportunity and produce accurate estimates of California’s black bear population size. This approach allows the Department a strong basis for effective and evidence-based conservation and adaptive management.

    The draft plan also calls for the creation of nine different Bear Conservation Regions throughout the state where bear populations would be monitored and potentially managed based on specific needs.

    Among the goals identified in the draft plan are conserving the state’s black bear population and their habitats, recognizing black bears as an important game species and offering more educational and safe viewing opportunities for the public while minimizing human-black bear conflict.

    In the coming weeks, CDFW will host a virtual informational public meeting to provide an overview of the draft plan. The most up-to-date information regarding this meeting will be posted on CDFW’s Public Notices and Meetings web page when the information becomes available.

    Please locate the draft plan and options on how to provide public comment on the CDFW Black Bear page. CDFW is asking for comments to be provided by June 14, 2024.

    Categories:   General
    Matt Johnson receives the

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has recognized a CDFW senior environmental scientist for his role in the historic effort to return endangered winter-run Chinook salmon to the McCloud River for the first time since construction of the Shasta Dam in the 1940s.

    Matt Johnson, CDFW’s fisheries supervisor for the winter-run Chinook salmon reintroduction pilot project, was given NOAA’s Partner in the Spotlight Award on Jan. 25, 2024. Johnson oversaw many of the project’s critical components including remote site incubation, trapping of juvenile winter-run and coordinating with project partners including the Winnemem Wintu Tribe.

    “It was a surprise and an honor. I threw myself 100 percent into the project so I’m appreciative of the recognition. The project turned into a fascinating and unique opportunity to do something new and historic. It was all unexpected,” Johnson said.

    The project launched in summer 2022 in response to drought conditions affecting Shasta reservoir and the lower Sacramento River downstream of Shasta reservoir. Multiple years of severe drought drastically reduced cold-water storage that endangered Chinook needed to live and spawn. CDFW, NOAA, Winnemem Wintu Tribe and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) partnered to move winter-run eggs upstream to the McCloud. The river offered favorable habitat including summer cold water conditions required for spawning but was inaccessible to fish because of the dam.

    Partners initially relocated about 20,000 fertilized winter-run Chinook salmon eggs from USFWS’ Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery near Redding. The eggs were transported 80 plus miles to the banks of the McCloud where the species historically spawned prior to construction of the Shasta Dam. The eggs were then placed in specialized incubators. In early August, another 20,000 eggs were transferred to the incubators.

    The eggs were released into the river as fry, which were then collected in rotary screw traps and fyke nets, which are devices used that safely capture small salmon. Once collected, the fry were transported downstream of Shasta Dam and successfully released into the Sacramento River so the fry could migrate to the Pacific Ocean.

    “Matt and his CDFW colleagues truly went above and beyond to return winter-run Chinook salmon to their historical home in the McCloud River for the first time in over 80 years. It’s clear that this was not just a job for him – he cares deeply about these species, this river, and this ecosystem and he put his heart into bringing them back,” said Brian Ellrott, NOAA’s Central Valley Salmonid Recovery Coordinator.

    “Matt is dedicated to ensuring that this historic winter-run salmon pilot project succeeds. He recognized the insight and history the Winnemem Wintu Tribe provided and embraced their contribution to the reintroduction of the McCloud winter-run salmon,” said CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham. “Matt is humble and passionate about his profession and we’re proud that he is part of our CDFW family.”

    Johnson added: “I couldn’t have done any of this without my team. We were a small but dedicated crew and we were fortunate to have support from management, NOAA, the Winnemem Wintu Tribe, UC Davis and the Mount Shasta Fish Hatchery. Seeing an iconic California species returned to its historic habitat after a nearly 80-year absence was pretty incredible.”


    Media Contact:
    Peter Tira, CDFW Communications, (916) 215-3858

    Categories:   Science Spotlight
    four scientists posing for a selfie in protective suits during an outing to conduct bat surveillance

    Bat surveillance crew

    A group of scientists in a lab screening for white-nose syndrome in bats
    Screening for White-nose Syndrome

    A scientist standing next to an acoustic detector station in the forest used to track bat activity
    Acoustic detector station

    A scientist in protective gear, gloves and a mask holding a bat
    Scientist Amanda Kindel with Myotis bat

    If California’s hibernating bat species make it through this winter with a full, undisturbed hibernation cycle, there are a few CDFW scientists who may be sleeping soundly as well.

    CDFW’s bat conservation team has ramped up its statewide surveying efforts in the past few years. The team is amassing a large amount of data on bat activity. Some of the work is geared toward general species conservation. But most of it has a very intentional focus: staying ahead of White-nose Syndrome (WNS), a disease that has wreaked havoc on East Coast and Midwest bat populations.

    WNS is a fungal disease that grows on bats during winter hibernation and can result in a white fuzzy appearance on their muzzle, ears and wings. The disease causes bats to arouse more than usual during hibernation and consequently burn up fat reserves needed to sustain them through winter. They can ultimately end up starving to death.

    More than six million bats have died from WNS, and the disease can kill 80 to 90 percent of bats in a colony during hibernation. In some bat species, the mortality rate for WNS can approach 100 percent.

    In the United States, WNS was first found in 2006 in upstate New York. It likely traveled here from Eurasia. In 2016, hikers in Washington found a sick bat on a trail and took it to a wildlife rehabilitation center for treatment. It tested positive for WNS and died shortly thereafter. Scientists soon found two more bats that tested positive for WNS. The disease continued to spread.

    In California, scientists detected low levels of the fungus that causes WNS in 2018 in Plumas County. While they have continued to detect low levels of the fungus since then, they haven’t found the disease. However, WNS surveillance in Texas and elsewhere has revealed a concerning pattern: WNS has taken a foothold in bat populations within two to three years of the fungus being detected. California is home to 25 bat species, and at least nine of them are deep-hibernating bats susceptible to the disease.

    “It’s somewhat reassuring that we haven’t seen the disease in California and only low-level detections of the fungus. But it’s also mystifying because we kind of expected to be seeing the disease by now,” said CDFW Wildlife Biologist Dr. Scott Osborn.

    The CDFW team is currently in year three of its White-Nose Syndrome Response Project. The team consists of Osborn, Senior Wildlife Veterinarian Dr. Deana Clifford, and Scientific Aids Amelia Tauber, Amanda Kindel and Dylan Winkler. Additionally, volunteers assist with field work.

    Over the past two years, the team has sampled for the fungus at 11 sites statewide. CDFW also partners with the National Park Service on bat surveillance. Between the two organizations, surveillance for WNS occurs throughout much of California.

    The team is also setting up a network of detector stations for bats. The stations record bat calls on a nightly basis and will help scientists identify activity levels of various bat species. Scientists can then correlate activity level changes with detections of WNS or the fungus that causes it.

    “The whole idea is if WNS comes in and starts affecting susceptible species, we should see their level of activity drop off compared to other species that aren’t susceptible to WNS,” said Osborn.

    The team currently has eight stations in and around Plumas and Tehama counties, and another four on the north coast. They are scheduled to install four more stations in the northern Sierra this month.

    “We’ve got this pretty massive effort to collect data on bat activity. It’s exciting. The data will not only help us detect the impact of WNS if it ever shows up, but it’s also giving us really important information on the timing of activity of various bat species, and bat community composition. It’s possible that in the long run we could use the data to detect impacts from climate change – for example if bats are becoming active earlier in the year due to warming or have to change their activity levels due to heat,” said Osborn.

    Since 2009, a national interagency team has been working on WNS response. In the past few years, the team has developed several treatment and management techniques which are starting to be implemented in bat habitats. Outside of California, scientists are testing a vaccine that is typically applied to bats during their active season. The goal of the vaccine is to make bats less susceptible to the fungus when they go back into hibernation. Scientists are also working on a probiotic spray that can be applied to bat roosts during active season. Microbes in the probiotic spray appear to make bats less susceptible to WNS. Another experimental treatment involves shining ultraviolet light into a hibernation site to reduce its fungal load.

    Not all of the new treatments are applicable to most California bat populations, which don’t typically congregate in large numbers in hibernation sites. Nevertheless, some of the treatments offer hope for reducing the devastating effects of WNS. Meanwhile, CDFW’s bat conservation team will continue working to stay ahead of the disease.

    “It’s important for us to understand what’s going on with WNS so we can implement some of these measures if it is ever detected in California. Bats are beneficial to the ecosystem by helping control pests on agricultural lands and elsewhere. They distribute nutrients to the environment by processing insects. They’re fascinating creatures,” said Osborn.


    Media contact:
    Ken Paglia, CDFW Communications

    Categories:   Science Spotlight
    mountain lion lying on its side on the ground in natural habitat

    CDFW offers tips for keeping pets and livestock safe

    Following several mountain lion sightings in Boulder Creek and forested areas of Santa Cruz County, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is reminding residents to take precautions to keep pets safe. In addition to recent sightings, there have been several unconfirmed reports of pets taken in the Boulder Creek area which could be attributed to any number of predators including mountain lions, coyotes or bobcats.

    CDFW will be hosting a public meeting on mountain lion deterrence on June 17 at 1 p.m. at the Boulder Creek Fire Department. The meeting can also be attended virtually. Check CDFW’s mountain lion web page for the Zoom link and meeting information.

    “Mountain lions typically avoid humans, but they can take pets and livestock easily if residents don’t take precautions. Implementing deterrence efforts can be effective,” said Haley Jones, CDFW Human-Wildlife Conflict biologist.

    CDFW recommends keeping pets indoors whenever possible to protect them from all predators, including mountain lions. This recommendation applies everywhere in California but especially to residents who live in areas adjacent to wildlife habitat.

    For cats that go outside, residents can invest in an outdoor cat enclosure, often called a cat patio or “catio.” Dogs should be kept inside overnight and ideally supervised while outside. Dog owners can invest in lighted collars as a visual deterrent or protective collars designed to lessen the impact of predator bites.

    For outdoor animals such as chickens, ducks, goats or other livestock, residents can invest in enclosures and other improvements such as predator proof fencing.

    For people who recreate outdoors, CDFW recommends going with a group and avoiding hiking at dusk and dawn. CDFW also recommends carrying a noise deterrent such as a self-defense alarm keychain.

    “Even talking loudly when outside can be a deterrent. There’s been research showing mountain lions avoid areas where they can hear people talking. Other predators such as coyotes and bobcats may also avoid approaching when they hear humans,” said Jones.

    Here are some additional safety measures that residents can take:

    • Remove dense vegetation from around the home to reduce hiding spaces.
    • Install outdoor lighting to make it difficult for predators to approach unseen.
    • Secure livestock and outdoor pets in sturdy, covered shelters, especially at night.
    • Deer-proof your property to avoid attracting a lion's main food source.

    “Mountain lions don’t want to be near people, but they sometimes cut through our neighborhoods to get to suitable habitat. They’ll take advantage of an easy meal if they see one, so as pet owners it's on us to make small adjustments,” said Jones.

    Residents are encouraged to report mountain lion sightings and encounters to CDFW through its Wildlife Incident Reporting system.

    “The reports help us track and keep data current so we can inform communities,” said Jones.

    Mountain lions live across much of California including along urban-wildland interfaces where they hunt for deer and other animals. They are ecosystem contributors and a crucial part of maintaining habitat biodiversity. However, it’s typically rare to see a mountain lion because they are elusive creatures. If you do see a mountain lion or mountain lion cub, do not approach it or intervene. Remember that adult mountain lions, when out hunting prey, may leave offspring somewhere safe for up to several days at a time. Questions and concerns can be directed to your regional CDFW office or by submitting a Wildlife Incident Report.

    For additional information visit CDFW’s mountain lion web page and CDFW’s Human-Wildlife Conflicts toolkit.

    Media contact:
    Ken Paglia, CDFW Communications, (916) 825-7120

    Categories:   Science Spotlight