Working Groups Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program Mohave Ground Squirrel Technical Advisory Group California Pika Consortium Listing Status, Natural History Endangered and Threatened Animals List (PDF) Special Animals List (PDF) Life History Notes and Range Maps Reports (list not comprehensive) Sweitzer, R.A., B.J. Furnas, R.H. Barrett, K.L. Purcell and C.M. Thompson. Landscape fuel reduction, forest fire, and biophysical linkages to local habitat use and local persistence of fishers (Pekania pennanti) in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests (PDF). Forest Ecology and Management 361. Elsevier B.V.; 2015. Marshal, J.P. and V.C. Bleich. Evidence of relationships between El Niño Southern Oscillation and mule deer harvest in California (PDF). California Fish and Game 97(2). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. Weaver, S.P. and F.W. Weckerly. Sex ratio estimates of Roosevelt elk using counts and Bowden's estimator (PDF). California Fish and Game 97(3). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. Huber, P.R., S.E. Greco and J. Hobbs. Assessment of habitat for the potential reintroduction of tule elk to the San Joaquin Valley, California (PDF). California Fish and Game 97(3). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. Kelley, S.T., R.R. Ramey II and J.D. Wehausen. Domestic sheep, bighorn sheep, and respiratory disease: a review of the experimental evidence (PDF). California Fish and Game 97(1). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. Osborn, S.D. and D.B. Applebee. Evaluation of the Petition from the Center for Biological Diversity to List American Pika (Ochotona princeps) as Threatened (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. Boser, C. Santa Cruz Island fox recovery program, June 2009-December 2011 (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. Cypher, B.L., A.Y. Madrid, C.L. Van Horn Job, E. Kelly, S.W.R. Harrison and T.L. Westall. Resource exploitation by island foxes: Implications for conservation (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2011. A status review of the fisher (Martes pennanti) in California (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game; 2010. Meredith, E.P., J.A. Rodzen, J.D. Banks and K.C. Jones. Characterization of 29 tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in black bear (Ursus americanus) for use in forensic and population applications. Conservation Genetics, 10(3); 2009. Pease, K.M., A.H. Freedman, J.P. Pollinger, J. E. McCormack, W. Buermann, J. Rodzen, J. Banks, E. Meredith, V.C. Bleich, R.J. Schaefer, K. Jones and R.K. Wayne. Landscape genetics of California mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus): the roles of ecological and historical factors in generating differentiation. Molecular Ecology, 18; 3/12/2009. Meredith, E.P., J.A. Rodzen, K.F. Levine, K.F and J.D. Banks. Characterization of an additional 14 microsatellite loci in California Elk ( Cervus elaphus) for use in forensic and population applications. Conservation Genetics, 6(1);; 2005. Erratum: Conservation Genetics, 9(6); 2008. Rodzen, J.A., J.D. Banks, E.P. Meredith and K.C. Jones. Characterization of 37 microsatellite loci in mountain lions (Puma concolor) for use in forensic and population applications. Conservation Genetics, 8(5); 2007. Meredith, E.P., J.A. Rodzen, J.D. Banks, R. Schaefer, H.B. Ernest, T.R. Famula and B.P. May. Microsatellite Analysis of Three Subspecies of Elk (Cervus elaphus) in California. Journal of Mammalogy, 88(3):801-808; 2007. Jones, K.C., K.F. Levine and J.D. Banks. Characterization of 11 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellites for forensic applications in California elk (Cervus elaphus canadensis). Molecular Ecology Notes, 2(4); 12/2002. Jones, K.C., K.F. Levine and J.D. Banks. DNA-based genetic markers in black-tailed and mule deer for forensic applications. California Fish and Game 86(2). California Department of Fish and Game; 2000. Gilson, A., M. Syvanen, K. Levine and J.D. Banks. Deer gender determination by polymerase chain reaction: validation study and application to tissues, bloodstains, and hair forensic samples from California. California Fish and Game 84(4). California Department of Fish and Game; 1998. Data and Survey Resources California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS) California Wildlife Habitat Relationships (CWHR) Survey Standards and Guidelines
Biodiversity Climate Change Sentinel Site Network Wildlife Survey Protocols Genetics Pollinators State Wildlife Action Plan Wildfire Impacts Wildlife Connectivity Pollution and Water Quality Birds Ecosystems Fish Invertebrates Pollinators Mammals Plants Reptiles and Amphibians