Science: Fish


(list not comprehensive)


  • Bulletin 181 - California Marine Fish Landings For 1987–1999 (PDF)
    Published: 2014
    Description: Provide basic records of amounts and values of marine resources taken by California's commercial fisheries, and summaries of catches by the passenger-carrying fishing industry. This report is the 38th in a series stemming from the first gathering of commercial fisheries landing data by the California Department of Fish and Game in 1916 and the subsequent first publication of those landings data for the years 1926 and 1927.
    Author: R.R. Leos
  • Bulletin 180 - California coastal salmonid monitoring: Strategy, design and methods (PDF)
    Published: 2011
    Description: This California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Plan (CMP) has been developed to meet California and Federal Endangered Species Acts monitoring requirements, describing the overall strategy, design, and methods used in monitoring salmonid populations.
    Authors: Adams, P. B., L. B. Boydstun, S. P. Gallagher, M. K. Lacy, T. McDonald and K. E. Shaffer
  • Bulletin 179 - Contributions to the Biology of Central Valley Salmonids
    Published: 2001
    Description: The Salmonid Symposium was organized by an ad hoc committee of state and federal fishery biologists concerned with the management of Central Valley (CV) salmon and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus spp.) populations and their habitats. It was held at Bodega Bay, California on October 22–24, 1997. Topics covered included research on various CV salmon and steelhead populations, ocean fishery management, history of upper Sacramento River hatchery operations, and steelhead management policy.
    Editor: Randall L. Brown, Department of Water Resources
  • All bulletins are available at: CALIFORNIA EXPLORES THE OCEAN
    California Explores the Ocean is a collaboration of the University of California, Libraries and the San Diego Historical Society.