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How do Experimental Fishing Permits and Scientific Collecting Permits differ?

EFP, SCP, commercial, sale, trade

While there may be some overlap in purposes of the permits, the following are key differences between Experimental Fishing Permits (EFPs) and Scientific Collecting Permits (SCPs):

  • Provisions concerning commercial and consumptive activities. SCP regulations specify that wildlife shall only be taken and/or possessed for scientific or educational purposes. Commercial sale, trade, or barter of wildlife taken or possessed is prohibited under the SCP. By contrast, these activities may be authorized for the purpose of compensation fishing or exploratory fishing under the EFP. 
  • Application review and approval. EFPs are subject to review by CDFW and approval by the Commission while SCPs are reviewed and approved by CDFW. 
  • Permit duration and renewal. EFPs are valid for 12 months from the date of issuance and may be renewed annually up to three times (for a project span of four consecutive years) if the EFP holder meets the requirements of subsection 91(n), Title 14, California Code of Regulations (CCR) (for additional information, see EFP Projects FAQs - When does my permit expire and how do I renew it?). SCPs are valid for three years from the date of issuance for entity and individual permitholders or one year from the date of issuance for student permitholders. A permitholder may apply for renewal pursuant to subsection 650(k), Title 14, CCR. 

If you are unsure of what type of permit you need to apply for, please contact the EFP Coordinator.

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