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Can I make changes to my Experimental Fishing Permit?

EFP, amendment, change, permittee

Yes, because the purpose of the EFP is to discover the characteristics of experimental fishing activities while active on the water, permittees may request permit amendments at any time during the term of the EFP by writing to the EFP Coordinator, explaining the reason for the amendment and paying the applicable non-refundable amendment fee. 

The type of amendments that may be requested are: 

  • Administrative updates (no fee). Changes to contact, affiliation, or vessel information. 
  • Minor amendments. Changes to the EFP that are subject to the limitations described in subsection 91(k)(1)(A), Title 14, CCR (e.g., proposed reduction in the amount and type of species to be taken, geographic extent of fishing, amount or type of gear to be used, or changes to authorized agents or vessels). 
  • Major amendments. Changes to the EFP that exceed the allowances placed on the permit concerning subsection 91(k)(1)(A) Title 14, CCR. Administrative updates and minor amendments are subject to review and approval by CDFW while major amendments are subject to public review and California Fish and Game Commission action.

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Updated on Tue, 11 Feb 2025 by

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