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2022-2024 News Releases

  • April 10, 2024
salmon on the deck of a boat

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, the Pacific Fishery Management Council acted unanimously to recommend closure of California’s commercial and recreational ocean salmon fisheries through the end of the year, mirroring recommendations made last year to close the fisheries in 2023.

Categories: Fisheries, Fishing, Salmon
  • April 5, 2024
Chinook salmon swim underwater

On April 6, 2023, the Pacific Fishery Management Council acted unanimously to recommend a full closure of California’s 2023 commercial and recreational ocean salmon seasons due to extremely low population estimates for Sacramento and Klamath river fall Chinook salmon. Within hours of the recommendation, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced his administration’s request for a federal fishery disaster declaration to support impacted communities.

Categories: Fisheries, Fishing, Marine, Salmon
  • April 4, 2024
Two CDFW wildlife officers inspect lobster traps aboard a commercial fishing vessel.

The California Fish and Game Commission has permanently revoked the commercial fishing license and lobster operator permit of a Los Angeles County resident.

Categories: FGC, Law Enforcement, Licensing, Marine
  • March 29, 2024
Rushing creek among green trees

CDFW April Calendar of Events

Categories: Calendar
  • March 28, 2024
California marine region map

CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham has assessed entanglement risk under the Risk Assessment Mitigation Program (RAMP) and announced changes to both commercial and recreational Dungeness crab fisheries.

Categories: Dungeness Crab, Fisheries, Marine

Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 322-8911